JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

Thanks to my good friend Sarah I recently got a library card and visited San Francisco’s main public library to get my hands on a copy of “You Are What You Click: How Being Selective, Positive, and Creative Can Transform Your Social Media”. I don’t want to give too much away. But you’d have to be living under a rock not to know there are issues with overconsumption of social media. I chose this book because its author, Brian Primack, is an MD, PhD and clinical researcher focused on social media.

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The Science Behind Kindness

The Science Behind Kindness

A few weeks ago I found myself traveling to Queens to attend a family funeral. It's been a tough year and while in some important ways this was a blessing it was still a rough day. I found myself sitting in a super crowded food court and for some reason felt so sad and disconnected and a little lonely. An act of kindness from a total stranger got me through and completely changed my mindset. It got me thinking, what is the science behind kindness and is it linked to better health?

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Let's Talk About Ultra-Processed Foods

Let's Talk About Ultra-Processed Foods

Navigating the nuanced world of ultra-processed foods can feel overwhelming, especially when trying to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle. In this five-minute video, I sit down with registered dietician Tarah Valenti from CustomFit to discuss practical tips on how to approach these foods without stress or guilt. Whether you're trying to make better choices or just curious about the role of ultra-processed foods in our world, this conversation will leave you with insights to stay sane and nourished.

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How Working with a Registered Dietician Can Change Your Life!

How Working with a Registered Dietician Can Change Your Life!

Do you know you want/need to make some changes to your nutritional habits but just aren’t sure where to start? Ever wondered what it would be like to work with a registered dietician to help forge a path ahead and make some real improvements? In this ~30 minute video I chat with my pal Tarah Valenti, RDN with CustomFit, about what it’s like working with her and how a custom nutritional program can help with so many different goals including body fat loss, visceral fat, muscle preservation/growth, improved energy, health, vitality, longevity as well as managing a variety of issues from high cholesterol, blood sugar or blood pressure to perimenopause and other life transitions.

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Can I Exercise if I Get COVID?

Can I Exercise if I Get COVID?

It’s definitely COVID and flu season. And despite all our best efforts some of us are going to get sick. A handful of my virtual clients and friends have come down with mild (thankfully) COVID cases already this month. Some feel crummier than others. In my universe no one has (knock on wood) had a super rough go of it. They describe it mostly as a general nuisance and a foil to their plans of being productive and active. Folks have asked me “can I still exercise?” I can’t answer that for anyone. There is no universal guidance on whether one can/should exercise with COVID. Obviously one should avoid the gym and other people so as not to spread their germs. I’ve dug around trying my best to get an answer and like so many things in the realm of health and wellness, “it depends”. 

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Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

"Exercise snacks" are having a moment in the mainstream media and I’m loving it. I've talked for years with clients about the benefits of supplementing longer, traditional workouts with "little bites of movement" throughout the day. Sitting for hours and not moving is the enemy to good health for so many reasons. So finding ways to get up and do something awesome for your body (and your cells) is key to better health. Don't get too bogged down with the protocol. Just embrace the concept of trying to get up and do some intentional movement at least every hour of the day.

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Walk for 2-15 Minutes After a Meal to Reduce Glucose Impact

Walk for 2-15 Minutes After a Meal to Reduce Glucose Impact

According to Mairlyn Smith P.H.Ec. (aka “the fart walk lady”) going on a short walk within 60 minutes of a meal can significantly help moderate blood sugar spikes and lower risk of diabetes and other metabolic issues as well as aid in digestion. And this checks out from many other sources including New York Times, Cleveland Clinic and the journal Sports Medicine. Plus, it’s a great way to get some much needed sunlight in our eyes, to take a break from devices and to practice breathing or moving meditation--all things that help manage our biorhythm, reduce stress and improve sleep. So get out there and #fartwalk!

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Fermented Foods Challenge

Fermented Foods Challenge

If you have been within earshot of me over the past month you've no doubt heard that I'm having a lot of fun integrating Good Energy foods into my life. One of Dr. Means’ many recommendations (read the entire book, please!) is to integrate fermented foods into our daily diets. Now, I've heard this before. And resisted. Because... ew. I'm not naturally adventurous with my food choices. Until now. Fermented foods support our gut biome which plays a critical role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function and even mental health. And fermented foods are helpful because of their probiotic and postbiotic properties.

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What Happens When You Take a Social Media Break?

What Happens When You Take a Social Media Break?

Have you ever gotten that weekly ping from your phone to look at your screen time stats for the week and cringed? I rarely look. I know my screen time has creeped up to an unhealthy level. And shocker! While my screen time, particularly social media time, has creeped up, my sleep quantity has creeped down while my stress and blood pressure have creeped up. I finally admitted ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. And in an act of dramatic desperation I declared on Instagram and Facebook that I was signing off for the month of June as an experiment to see what life, and my health, would be like without social media. 

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3 Easy Ways I Improved Sleep QUALITY

3 Easy Ways I Improved Sleep QUALITY

I had an “ah hah” moment last week while on my long run. I was listening to the Whoop podcast with Dan Churchill. It takes a lot to impress me. And this guy is impressive. He has a busy, physical day job (chef at a fancy Brooklyn hot spot), is on a book tour and oh yeah, no big deal, just finished the Boston Marathon. He talked about his challenge with getting his ideal QUANTITY of sleep based on his activity and how he focuses on improving his sleep QUALITY. I’ve been so hyper focused on extending my sleep that it never occurred to me I could “cheat it” by improving the quality. 

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App: 15 Minutes A Day to Overwrite Negative Thoughts

App: 15 Minutes A Day to Overwrite Negative Thoughts

I've been dragging my feet on meditating lately. I know 110% that it would benefit me. But sometimes humans are stubborn and won't pick up the tools we know will help (same with exercise and nutrition for a lot of folks). So when Peter told me about this app offering a 30-day free trial of daily positive affirmations I was intrigued. I've been listening to one or two a day for a week and I am starting to notice a difference. It feels a little silly at first, but I recognize that's part of the negative programming in my brain. I appreciate the science and research behind this idea and how it leverages the brain's neuroplasticity to pre-program negative patterns. Two thumbs up! Let's get some positive self-talk going in 2024!

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Podcast: You don't have to finish the year strong.

Podcast: You don't have to finish the year strong.

This might be the most important thing you hear all year. "You don't have to finish the year strong." It's ok to just finish. This episode of my pal Allison's podcast made me feel seen. I shared it with clients and friends and it helped many of them connect with how they are feeling right now. I listened to this while walking to an ultrasound appointment yesterday because "surprise" in the midst of "finishing strong in December" my body informed me it had other plans. (Note, I'll be fine. I'm just being forced to slow down. Getting "older" is a trip!) I encourage you to take 30 minutes to listen to this episode to embrace alignment over achievement for the rest of the year. 

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What Good Can a Walking Desk Do?

What Good Can a Walking Desk Do?

This simple little cheap treadmill has been a game changer for me. My expectations were low. I honestly had no idea it could be so impactful. Not only has it helped me burn significantly more calories during my workday (helping me stay lean) but it has reduced my lower back pain from sitting and standing. Certainly proof that movement is medicine! Hear all about it in this video.

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Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

I really enjoyed being a guest on the Mind Body Planet podcast talking about the three pillars of fitness and debunking many common misconceptions in the health industry. If you get confused from the conflicting and sometimes crazy information permeating from "fitness influencers" on social I hope you’ll give it a listen and a like!

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JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

If you've ever been frustrated by the Western approach to medicine of treating disease but dropping the ball when it comes to prevention, give this a read (or listen). This book is a great roadmap for developing a strategy for life and exercise plays a huge component. Start thinking strategically about your longevity goals and plans now!

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15 Goal Ideas to Inspire More Movement and Joy

15 Goal Ideas to Inspire More Movement and Joy

Traditionally a lot of people jump into the holidays with two feet (see what I did there?!) and the best of intentions for crushing big fitness and wellness goals starting in the new year. Trainers like me used to see spikes in new gym memberships and requests for strict meal plans (instead of spikes in Coronavirus variants and virtual training sessions). If you are struggling with motivation and finding a goal that resonates with you, here are 15 some of my peeps are going for in the coming months that will influence their weekly fitness routines.

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What Is "Grounding" and Can It Improve Health and Wellness?

What Is "Grounding" and Can It Improve Health and Wellness?

The concept of “grounding” or “earthing” is an interesting one. On the surface it seems simple and rather intuitive: humans need to connect physically with the Earth to optimize our health. To ground you simply place your skin (usually feet or hands) in direct contact with the Earth (like natural grass, dirt or sand--no artificial surfaces). The health benefits of stepping away from our busy lives to move our bodies, get fresh air and sunlight and be in nature are proven and widely accepted. Fledgling research adds another fascinating potential benefit of this practice that Morgan and I discuss in this short five minute video.

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Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Box Breathing and Air Hunger

Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Box Breathing and Air Hunger

Breath is LIFE. Like, literally. So I was so happy when my amazingly talented and super knowledgeable friend Morgan dropped by my office for a couch talk session about breathing. We’ve both noticed clients lately experiencing episodes of shallow, labored breathing and she has some fantastic drills for breathing optimally in the moment and for building a breathing practice. Think of your breath like a muscle. To get stronger we need to exercise it strategically and consistently.

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