JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

Thanks to my good friend Sarah I recently got a library card and visited San Francisco’s main public library to get my hands on a copy of “You Are What You Click: How Being Selective, Positive, and Creative Can Transform Your Social Media”. I don’t want to give too much away. But you’d have to be living under a rock not to know there are issues with overconsumption of social media. I chose this book because its author, Brian Primack, is an MD, PhD and clinical researcher focused on social media.

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What Happens When You Take a Social Media Break?

What Happens When You Take a Social Media Break?

Have you ever gotten that weekly ping from your phone to look at your screen time stats for the week and cringed? I rarely look. I know my screen time has creeped up to an unhealthy level. And shocker! While my screen time, particularly social media time, has creeped up, my sleep quantity has creeped down while my stress and blood pressure have creeped up. I finally admitted ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. And in an act of dramatic desperation I declared on Instagram and Facebook that I was signing off for the month of June as an experiment to see what life, and my health, would be like without social media. 

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8 Practices For Healthy Social Media Habits

8 Practices For Healthy Social Media Habits

I struggle just as much as the next guy when it comes to social media. Sometimes it fills me with joy and really makes me feel connected to people I love. And sometimes it makes me feel awful--like I'm endlessly scrolling for something I never find. And it's hard to notice exactly when I cross the line from joy to doom. There are several great tips in this article from One Medical so I encourage anyone who wants to improve their relationship with social media and their mental wellness to give it a read.

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