JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

Thanks to my good friend Sarah I recently got a library card and visited San Francisco’s main public library to get my hands on a copy of “You Are What You Click: How Being Selective, Positive, and Creative Can Transform Your Social Media”. I don’t want to give too much away. But you’d have to be living under a rock not to know there are issues with overconsumption of social media. I chose this book because its author, Brian Primack, is an MD, PhD and clinical researcher focused on social media.

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Resistance Training for Improved Bone Density at Any Age

Resistance Training for Improved Bone Density at Any Age

Back in January of 2023 one of my awesome longtime clients asked if I could do a few virtual training sessions with his mom to help her with some exercise suggestions. A few 30 minute sessions turned into a regular weekly routine of two 50 minute strength and mobility sessions for almost a year now. This week she showed me the results of a recent Dexa scan that noted "Significant change: increase in femoral neck mean bone density of 5.9%" and some other cool stuff. 

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How Working with a Registered Dietician Can Change Your Life!

How Working with a Registered Dietician Can Change Your Life!

Do you know you want/need to make some changes to your nutritional habits but just aren’t sure where to start? Ever wondered what it would be like to work with a registered dietician to help forge a path ahead and make some real improvements? In this ~30 minute video I chat with my pal Tarah Valenti, RDN with CustomFit, about what it’s like working with her and how a custom nutritional program can help with so many different goals including body fat loss, visceral fat, muscle preservation/growth, improved energy, health, vitality, longevity as well as managing a variety of issues from high cholesterol, blood sugar or blood pressure to perimenopause and other life transitions.

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Embracing "Lifting Heavy Sh*t" Can Make All the Difference in Your 50s

Embracing "Lifting Heavy Sh*t" Can Make All the Difference in Your 50s

When my FABULOUS client Sarah told me she wanted to “lift heavy sh*t” it was music to my ears. We’ve worked together for years and over time we’ve shifted focus of her program to strategically align with evolving priorities including improving body composition and health markers through an integrated approach to exercise, nutrition and recovery; easing the transition into perimenopause; enabling her active lifestyle and love of tennis and scuba; and ensuring her vitality, mobility and agility as she inches toward early retirement. Her love of metrics, data and science have given us the insights necessary to build her ideal program for her unique body which is yielding incredible results. Her continual efforts to learn and try new approaches is inspiring and I’m so grateful she took the time to discuss her journey here.

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Jim’s DIY Kimchi & Sauerkraut Recipes

Jim’s DIY Kimchi & Sauerkraut Recipes

I try to get in at least two fermented foods/day (some experts recommend as many as five!). I eat Greek yogurt, berries, basil seeds and local honey for breakfast which counts as one. And then I add a cup of sauerkraut or kimchi to my lunch or dinner. The brand Peter and I like the most is Wildbrine. Well… it was until my client Jim started giving me his homemade sauerkraut and kimchi! Understandably making your own fermented food isn’t for the weak of heart (or gut!). But for those with a DIY spirit who enjoy growing and making your own food I asked Jim to share how he makes such yummy and beautiful fermented foods at home. Here’s his recipe!

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Sarah's Fudgy Black Bean Brownies

Sarah's Fudgy Black Bean Brownies

When I came across this recipe for healthy fudge brownies made with nutrient-dense ingredients like black beans, avocado and dates I was like… gross. Ain’t no way those are going to taste like real brownies. But I have a secret weapon in my client Sarah. She is a fantastic cook and baker and has a keen interest in eating things that are delicious AND healthy. So she took the recipe into her kitchen and did some work on it to make it taste even better without sacrificing the good stuff. And honestly they taste like “real” brownies. Win!

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Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

In theory, I love this recent NYT article about “adopting a playful attitude toward working out”. It’s a lovely story about an awkward kid who grew up to be a trainer who helps his clients “get silly” in their workouts (piggyback rides, tag, skipping). The premise is so important. Working out doesn’t have to be awful. It can be fun. And the benefits of returning to more “primal” (or what I’d call “functional”) movement patterns are indisputable. So what’s the catch? 

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JJFit Reading Club - Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well

JJFit Reading Club - Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well

Full disclosure, this is not an easy read (or listen). It’s dense and at times overwhelming. So if you’re looking for easy answers to what and how to eat you may get frustrated. But the information Tim Spector brings to light is fascinating and important and it’s worth hunkering down to expose yourself to his research and recommendations and to try to start implementing some of his teachings into your habits.

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Client Spotlight: Katherine Takes on the 292 Mile Lebanon Mountain Trail!

Client Spotlight: Katherine Takes on the 292 Mile Lebanon Mountain Trail!

The BEST part of being a personal trainer is witnessing how clients use the fitness we build to live their fullest lives. It gives me tremendous satisfaction when clients feel empowered to take on new challenges both in everyday life and in big new adventures. I'm beaming with pride that the amazing Katherine Maher is off this month to take on a herculean challenge and to fulfill a dream and I'm grateful she took a few minutes to share in a quick interview how integrating fitness into your daily life can prepare you for HUGE adventures. 

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Client Spotlight: Sean I (and family!)

Client Spotlight: Sean I (and family!)

“Working with JJ literally changed my life. He’s the only trainer who I’ve had a breakthrough with in terms of achieving my personal fitness objectives. He’s super knowledgeable in the space and uses data to drive decision making, which I love! I appreciate his holistic approach to fitness that not only includes exercise, but also nutrition and sleep. It’s obvious that he cares about his clients and wants them to be successful – and frankly, if you do what he says, you will see results.”

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Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

There are SO MANY trackers on the market. And the landscape changes all the time. The ones discussed in this post are the ones I have personally used at various stages of my fitness journey and have seen work for many of my clients. If you have something that is already working for you, GREAT! Don’t fix what ain’t broke. But if you are looking for something to aid you along in your wellness journey maybe one or some of these can help.

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15 Goal Ideas to Inspire More Movement and Joy

15 Goal Ideas to Inspire More Movement and Joy

Traditionally a lot of people jump into the holidays with two feet (see what I did there?!) and the best of intentions for crushing big fitness and wellness goals starting in the new year. Trainers like me used to see spikes in new gym memberships and requests for strict meal plans (instead of spikes in Coronavirus variants and virtual training sessions). If you are struggling with motivation and finding a goal that resonates with you, here are 15 some of my peeps are going for in the coming months that will influence their weekly fitness routines.

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Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Goal Setting and Planning Strategies

Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Goal Setting and Planning Strategies

In this month’s edition of "Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ" we take a few minutes to share some goal setting strategies that will help you find the right goals for where/who you are and how to prepare and plan to succeed!

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Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Box Breathing and Air Hunger

Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Box Breathing and Air Hunger

Breath is LIFE. Like, literally. So I was so happy when my amazingly talented and super knowledgeable friend Morgan dropped by my office for a couch talk session about breathing. We’ve both noticed clients lately experiencing episodes of shallow, labored breathing and she has some fantastic drills for breathing optimally in the moment and for building a breathing practice. Think of your breath like a muscle. To get stronger we need to exercise it strategically and consistently.

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"What’s It Like Working Virtually with JJ?"

"What’s It Like Working Virtually with JJ?"

This is why I do what I do. I'm super proud of my virtual training clients like Dan, Chris, Alycia, Kimberly and Michael. Together we've overcome a lot of challenges to develop customized effective, safe and challenging wellness programs that evolve based on their needs and includes 1/1 virtual personal training, virtual group fitness and nutrition coaching. Seeing my clients thrive all over the country gets me jumping out of bed each morning. Well... that and coffee.

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Client Spotlight: Kimberly Su and Her "Virtual Fitness" Journey

Client Spotlight: Kimberly Su and Her "Virtual Fitness" Journey

When I met Kimberly in February 2020 for a quick chat to discuss training together I was super excited. She wanted to build a strength training program to help her recover from a hip injury and to get her feeling strong and balanced in her body. She was everything I look for in a client: ready, willing and energetic. And then COVID hit.

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Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

I've really missed training for and experiencing races during the pandemic. And some of my clients and friends have expressed similar feelings. So we're banding together in true 2021 form and planning a VIRTUAL 10K on Sunday, March 14 (eight weeks away in case you want to do a formal eight week training program). Will provide more info as we get closer but for now, comment on the IG thread if you want in and you’ll be included on the list!

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Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

I'm super proud of my client and friend Bradley Fenner who hasn't let 2020 stop him from reaching his fitness goals. This month Bradley, a 56-year old lawyer, successfully completed a Dipsea "Quad Quad". That means this avid runner managed to traverse the iconic 7.1-mile Dipsea Trail between Mill Valley and Stinson Beach 16 times for a total of 113.2 miles (and nearly 37,000 feet) in just under 34 hours. Let that sink in and read all about Bradley’s journey.

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JJ Launches Virtual Training for Existing and New Clients

JJ Launches Virtual Training for Existing and New Clients

With the new reality of sheltering in place for the foreseeable future many of my clients have inquired about virtual training. I’ve long offered FaceTime training to my clients to help keep them fit and sane while they travel or when they move outside the Bay Area. My clients Tom, Erica and Raquel (and their pups!) can attest that whether they are working out with me from their homes or from a hotel room we can still get a good workout in using whatever equipment and tools we have on hand. So I’m officially offering this service to all my existing and new clients. Keep reading to learn how it works.

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