Do I Need an Electrolyte Supplement?

Do I Need an Electrolyte Supplement?

I’ve been getting questions from clients and colleagues lately about electrolyte supplementation. Ads, influencers and podcasters are promoting brands like LMNT which disagree with current salt intake recommendations and advocate for “More Salt, Not Less”. My gut told me daily electrolyte supplementation is probably unnecessary for most people but that it couldn’t hurt you. To be sure, I checked in with my go-to nutrition expert and registered dietician (and ultra marathoner and all around awesome human) Tarah Valenti from CustomFit for her input.

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Visit Bay Area's A Runner's Mind for the Perfect Shoes

Visit Bay Area's A Runner's Mind for the Perfect Shoes

Since 2019 I’ve been super impressed with the service and selection at A Runner’s Mind and have been lucky enough to work with the General Manager Eileen in San Francisco and Manager Cindy in Burlingame. Rather than just picking the shoe I think looks the best, they’ve taught me over the years what type of shoe my feet and body need to perform my best and keep me pain and injury free. They use sophisticated assessments to analyze the arches of your feet and video your gait to determine your support needs.

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Got Music? Here's My Go-To Workout Playlist This Month

Got Music? Here's My Go-To Workout Playlist This Month

It’s widely proven that three of the most powerful workout enhancers are coffee, creatine and a great playlist! Recently my client Daniel told me he loves my Spotify playlist archive that has hundreds of playlists from my days as an Equinox group fitness instructor. It’s been a minute since I put my “DJ JJ” hat on and created a new one. This one got me through a big run and a big lift session this weekend. Hope it brings some fitspo to your day!

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Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

"Exercise snacks" are having a moment in the mainstream media and I’m loving it. I've talked for years with clients about the benefits of supplementing longer, traditional workouts with "little bites of movement" throughout the day. Sitting for hours and not moving is the enemy to good health for so many reasons. So finding ways to get up and do something awesome for your body (and your cells) is key to better health. Don't get too bogged down with the protocol. Just embrace the concept of trying to get up and do some intentional movement at least every hour of the day.

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Food Is Medicine! JJFit Book Club: Good Energy

Food Is Medicine! JJFit Book Club: Good Energy

There is growing mainstream attention to the fact that many of today's health issues (obesity, dementia, diabetes, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and so many more) can be linked to issues in the gut biome and dysfunction in the metabolism. I recently listened to a two and half hour podcast with Dr. Casey Means, MD. She wrote a new book which was released today. I was like, dude. TWO AND A HALF HOURS?! No way this will hold my attention. Not true. Likely the most informative, exciting and empowering podcast I've heard in a very long time.

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Do You Need a Killer Workout Playlist This Month?

Do You Need a Killer Workout Playlist This Month?

A good playlist can make all the difference between a ”hell yeah” workout and “hell no” workout. Over the years I’ve created and archived on Spotify over 250 public workout and relaxation playlists from my 10 years of teaching group fitness at Equinox and practicing massage. This month I put together this 90 minute bad boy because I needed some musical motivation to get me moving and it’s gotten me through a 14-mile run and several “I don’t wanna” leg days. Hope you enjoy!

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What Good Can a Walking Desk Do?

What Good Can a Walking Desk Do?

This simple little cheap treadmill has been a game changer for me. My expectations were low. I honestly had no idea it could be so impactful. Not only has it helped me burn significantly more calories during my workday (helping me stay lean) but it has reduced my lower back pain from sitting and standing. Certainly proof that movement is medicine! Hear all about it in this video.

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How Much Does Sweating Define a Good Workout?

How Much Does Sweating Define a Good Workout?

As days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder there's no doubt that fall is knocking at our doors. For some folks this means changes to their workout routines especially for those who like to run, walk or ride outside. It reminded me of an interesting question I was asked by a reporter a few years ago. He noticed that around this time of year, he stopped sweating during his workouts and was worried this meant he was being less effective. How much does sweating define a good workout? Check out my answer in his article.

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Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

I really enjoyed being a guest on the Mind Body Planet podcast talking about the three pillars of fitness and debunking many common misconceptions in the health industry. If you get confused from the conflicting and sometimes crazy information permeating from "fitness influencers" on social I hope you’ll give it a listen and a like!

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Marina Run Club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

Marina Run Club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

I’m a big fan of the Marina Run Club and their newsletter. Anyone looking for a running community in SF should check them out. The group runs 3 miles together every Tuesday and Thursday morning and six miles on Saturday. They also host various monthly events including strength training and social activities. They have great energy and do a lot to foster community, routine and fitness around running.

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JJFit in the News: The Best Gym Machines "for Women"

JJFit in the News: The Best Gym Machines "for Women"

It’s always an honor being quoted in the press. I’ll preface this with exactly what I told the reporter (which he didn’t include). These machines can be great for any human regardless of gender. A machine cannot be better or worse for a woman than a man. I get where he was going. Because it is true that some women can be fearful of the functional training floor and wish to stick to the machines where it’s quieter. But men can feel that way too. And certainly trans and non binary gym goers. But I digress. If you are curious about which machines in the gym do what, give this US News & World Report article a look regardless of your gender.

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Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

There are SO MANY trackers on the market. And the landscape changes all the time. The ones discussed in this post are the ones I have personally used at various stages of my fitness journey and have seen work for many of my clients. If you have something that is already working for you, GREAT! Don’t fix what ain’t broke. But if you are looking for something to aid you along in your wellness journey maybe one or some of these can help.

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Schedule Your JJFit RunFit Assessment Before Training for Your Next Event

Schedule Your JJFit RunFit Assessment Before Training for Your Next Event

Whether you’re a veteran runner with several events under your belt or you’re considering your first 10k, half marathon or full marathon a comprehensive gate and mobility assessment might be a wise investment. I’ve prepared and trained dozens of clients for a variety of events from their first 5k to a Spartan and even an Iron Man and ultra marathon. If you’d like to improve your performance, manage existing injuries, reduce pain and prevent future injuries a run assessment can help.

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JJFit Challenge May 2022 for Planned Parenthood

JJFit Challenge May 2022 for Planned Parenthood

A huge thank you to my JJFit On-Demand subscribers who have continued to stream my recorded workouts over the past few months since we retired my live weekly Zoom class. I was in such a grumpy mood today and decided to get off my duff and do this class and I'm so happy that I did! Any donations to this class or any class from my library in the month of May will be given 100% to Planned Parenthood.

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JJFit In the News: Exercise Bike vs. Rower vs. Elliptical: Which Is Best?

JJFit In the News: Exercise Bike vs. Rower vs. Elliptical: Which Is Best?

Exercise bikes, ellipticals and rowers are all popular cardiovascular training tools that can make great additions to your home gym. If you are weighing the pros and cons of each for your goals and body checkout my tips and those from other fitness experts in this US News & World article.

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How To Protect Your Skin When Working Out

How To Protect Your Skin When Working Out

Exercise means sweating and sweating can lead to skin-related issues like irritation, inflammation and breakouts. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can follow to avoid these problems and protect your skin without sacrificing your fitness goals. I used to get terrible adult acne. And it really upset me. So I saw a dermatologist and esthetician and they gave me some great tips for keeping skin in great shape when working out.

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A Quick Guide to Choosing the Best Running Shoes for You

A Quick Guide to Choosing the Best Running Shoes for You

About 50 million Americans participate in some form of running or jogging, according to a 2020 report from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. This year, with running events like the San Francisco Marathon set to resume in September, it’s a great time to get in gear and start training.If you want to maximize the many benefits of running and prevent injury, you first have to get yourself some dedicated running shoes. Here’s a handy guide to help you find your perfect pair.

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5 Ways to Fit Fitness Into a Busy Schedule

5 Ways to Fit Fitness Into a Busy Schedule

How many hours do you dedicate to exercise each week? Well, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults participate in moderate-intensity physical activities for 150 minutes per week or in high-intensity exercises for 75 minutes every week. Moreover, you should also be doing muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. There are a lot of strategies that can be employed so that busy professionals can incorporate a few minutes of exercise into their schedules. And here are a few of them.

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