Building a Solid Leg Day/Leg Week

Building a Solid Leg Day/Leg Week

I love leg day. As someone who has struggled with his weight and suffered through back injuries, having strong legs and executing powerful squats and deadlifts makes me feel good and working the big muscles of the lower body keeps me lean. But I get that a lot of folks dread leg day. In today's post I'll show you how to build a balanced leg workout whether your goal is general fitness, weight loss, hypertrophy/muscle growth or strength. 

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Do I Need an Electrolyte Supplement?

Do I Need an Electrolyte Supplement?

I’ve been getting questions from clients and colleagues lately about electrolyte supplementation. Ads, influencers and podcasters are promoting brands like LMNT which disagree with current salt intake recommendations and advocate for “More Salt, Not Less”. My gut told me daily electrolyte supplementation is probably unnecessary for most people but that it couldn’t hurt you. To be sure, I checked in with my go-to nutrition expert and registered dietician (and ultra marathoner and all around awesome human) Tarah Valenti from CustomFit for her input.

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Visit Bay Area's A Runner's Mind for the Perfect Shoes

Visit Bay Area's A Runner's Mind for the Perfect Shoes

Since 2019 I’ve been super impressed with the service and selection at A Runner’s Mind and have been lucky enough to work with the General Manager Eileen in San Francisco and Manager Cindy in Burlingame. Rather than just picking the shoe I think looks the best, they’ve taught me over the years what type of shoe my feet and body need to perform my best and keep me pain and injury free. They use sophisticated assessments to analyze the arches of your feet and video your gait to determine your support needs.

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Farmer Carry Your Way to Better Posture, a Stronger Back and Killer Grip

Farmer Carry Your Way to Better Posture, a Stronger Back and Killer Grip

The farmer carry (also called a loaded carry, farmer walk or suitcase carry) is one of the simplest yet least understood exercises in the gym. It’s something we do in real life all the time. We shlep grocery bags, suitcases, laptops and all sorts of crap all over the place. But how often do we think about our shoulders, scapulae or thoracic spines when we do? Bueller? Bueller? Thought so.

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JJFit in the News: Consider Curtsy Lunges for Functional Glute Development

JJFit in the News: Consider Curtsy Lunges for Functional Glute Development

If you've nailed the standard lunge and are ready for something new in a different plane of motion, it's time you add the curtsy lunge to your routine. This lunge variation engages your muscles differently, placing more emphasis on your inner thighs and glutes. Check out this collaboration I did with Well+Good to did into the benefits, form tips and variations of the curtsy lunge.

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Embracing "Lifting Heavy Sh*t" Can Make All the Difference in Your 50s

Embracing "Lifting Heavy Sh*t" Can Make All the Difference in Your 50s

When my FABULOUS client Sarah told me she wanted to “lift heavy sh*t” it was music to my ears. We’ve worked together for years and over time we’ve shifted focus of her program to strategically align with evolving priorities including improving body composition and health markers through an integrated approach to exercise, nutrition and recovery; easing the transition into perimenopause; enabling her active lifestyle and love of tennis and scuba; and ensuring her vitality, mobility and agility as she inches toward early retirement. Her love of metrics, data and science have given us the insights necessary to build her ideal program for her unique body which is yielding incredible results. Her continual efforts to learn and try new approaches is inspiring and I’m so grateful she took the time to discuss her journey here.

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Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

"Exercise snacks" are having a moment in the mainstream media and I’m loving it. I've talked for years with clients about the benefits of supplementing longer, traditional workouts with "little bites of movement" throughout the day. Sitting for hours and not moving is the enemy to good health for so many reasons. So finding ways to get up and do something awesome for your body (and your cells) is key to better health. Don't get too bogged down with the protocol. Just embrace the concept of trying to get up and do some intentional movement at least every hour of the day.

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DEXA 2.0: What Gets Measured Gets Managed!

DEXA 2.0: What Gets Measured Gets Managed!

What gets measured gets managed! I had the pleasure of going on a field trip recently to visit my pals at Custom Fit for a DEXA scan. Why? Because I love data and this machine is the gold standard in terms of knowing your muscle mass and body fat distribution, bone density, visceral fat surrounding your organs and resting metabolic rate. My last scan was in 2017 and I wanted to see how my health markers had changed. I’m sharing my results here (PDF) so you can see how much valuable information the scan provides.

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Supplement Spotlight Update: Creatine for Muscle Growth, Athletic Performance and Brain Function

Supplement Spotlight Update: Creatine for Muscle Growth, Athletic Performance and Brain Function

Creatine is one of the most popular supplements in the world but is often one of the most misunderstood. Experts in the fitness community agree that creatine supplementation can be a safe and effective way to increase athletic performance, muscle growth and even brain health. I last updated this post in June 2023 and am updating it again to include this fantastic Whoop podcast which includes a discussion of the latest protocols and benefits of creatine supplementation featuring Dr. Darren Candow, Professor and Director of the Aging Muscle and Bone Health Laboratory at the University of Regina, Canada.

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What Good Can a Walking Desk Do?

What Good Can a Walking Desk Do?

This simple little cheap treadmill has been a game changer for me. My expectations were low. I honestly had no idea it could be so impactful. Not only has it helped me burn significantly more calories during my workday (helping me stay lean) but it has reduced my lower back pain from sitting and standing. Certainly proof that movement is medicine! Hear all about it in this video.

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What Happens to Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol?

What Happens to Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol?

I work with loads of successful, social and often high-stressed professionals who enjoy the occasional (or more than occasional) glass (or two or three or four) of wine (or cocktails) at the end of the day and especially at work events. Sometimes they want to talk about it. Sometimes they don’t. But usually at some point (typically during a plateau) I end up being asked what a reasonable alcohol intake looks like for their fitness and health goals. I don’t tell people what to do. I provide them information and tools and serve as a resource to hold them accountable to what they decide.

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How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Blowing Your Fitness Goals

How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Blowing Your Fitness Goals

It's that time of year again when holiday parties, family feasts and travel plans can kill your fitness resolve and give you the nutritional "f*ck its". Don't throw in the towel. Here are three simple and effective tips you can use over the coming weeks to make sure you have a good time without blowing all your hard work. 

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How Much Does Sweating Define a Good Workout?

How Much Does Sweating Define a Good Workout?

As days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder there's no doubt that fall is knocking at our doors. For some folks this means changes to their workout routines especially for those who like to run, walk or ride outside. It reminded me of an interesting question I was asked by a reporter a few years ago. He noticed that around this time of year, he stopped sweating during his workouts and was worried this meant he was being less effective. How much does sweating define a good workout? Check out my answer in his article.

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JJFit Video Tutorial: How to Perform a Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing

JJFit Video Tutorial: How to Perform a Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing

I love me a good kettlebell swing. It’s a staple for many of my clients and on-demand classes. Swings are great for building total body strength and really hitting those glutes and hamstrings. But it’s a move you definitely need to know what you’re doing to execute safely. Here’s a quick lesson if you need some tips for getting the most out of your swing and protecting your lower back! Don’t have a kettle bell? No worries, a basic dumbbell works great too!

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JJFit In the News: How to Do the Wood Chop Exercise for Stronger Obliques

JJFit In the News: How to Do the Wood Chop Exercise for Stronger Obliques

The wood chop exercise is a full-body move that strengthens your core — including your obliques — as well as your arms and legs. This exercise also boosts sports performance, especially in golf, baseball and tennis, as it improves rotational power. So I was stoked to collaborate with to discuss the benefits of several different variations of this move to create helpful demo videos. Read on to start chopping your way to a stronger core!

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Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

I really enjoyed being a guest on the Mind Body Planet podcast talking about the three pillars of fitness and debunking many common misconceptions in the health industry. If you get confused from the conflicting and sometimes crazy information permeating from "fitness influencers" on social I hope you’ll give it a listen and a like!

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Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

In theory, I love this recent NYT article about “adopting a playful attitude toward working out”. It’s a lovely story about an awkward kid who grew up to be a trainer who helps his clients “get silly” in their workouts (piggyback rides, tag, skipping). The premise is so important. Working out doesn’t have to be awful. It can be fun. And the benefits of returning to more “primal” (or what I’d call “functional”) movement patterns are indisputable. So what’s the catch? 

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NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

Boom! If you’ve taken my group fitness classes or trained with me you know I’m a big fan of the wall sit. It’s simple (nearly anyone can safely do it), it requires no equipment and it isometrically targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. What’s not to love?! Plus it burns so good! Add to its list of benefits that it can also help lower your blood pressure as reported this month in the New York Times and backed by some impressive research. Want to learn more about how to properly do a wall sit? Check out this post and video from

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Marina Run Club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

Marina Run Club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

I’m a big fan of the Marina Run Club and their newsletter. Anyone looking for a running community in SF should check them out. The group runs 3 miles together every Tuesday and Thursday morning and six miles on Saturday. They also host various monthly events including strength training and social activities. They have great energy and do a lot to foster community, routine and fitness around running.

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Banded Dead Bugs for Core Strengthening

Banded Dead Bugs for Core Strengthening

If you're looking for a way to progress your bodyweight dead bugs and target your upper core a little more, give these banded dead bugs a try! You can also turn them into a marching drill or leg drops. So many options!

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