Building a Solid Leg Day/Leg Week

Building a Solid Leg Day/Leg Week

I love leg day. As someone who has struggled with his weight and suffered through back injuries, having strong legs and executing powerful squats and deadlifts makes me feel good and working the big muscles of the lower body keeps me lean. But I get that a lot of folks dread leg day. In today's post I'll show you how to build a balanced leg workout whether your goal is general fitness, weight loss, hypertrophy/muscle growth or strength. 

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NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

Boom! If you’ve taken my group fitness classes or trained with me you know I’m a big fan of the wall sit. It’s simple (nearly anyone can safely do it), it requires no equipment and it isometrically targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. What’s not to love?! Plus it burns so good! Add to its list of benefits that it can also help lower your blood pressure as reported this month in the New York Times and backed by some impressive research. Want to learn more about how to properly do a wall sit? Check out this post and video from

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Three at Home Moves for a Strong Booty

Three at Home Moves for a Strong Booty

If you are stuck at home with no squat rack or barbells and your legs and booty are missing deadlifts, leg press and squats all is not lost! These are three of my favorite moves that hit the glutes and quads and all you need is something to brace against and a smooth floor/hand towel.⠀⠀⠀

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Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Many of us could benefit from more "planes of motion" training in our workouts. In a nutshell, the body is designed to move in three planes of motion: sagittal (like in a squat or bicep curl), frontal (like in a lateral lunge or side cable raise) and transverse (like in a "curtsy" lunge or a bicycle crunch). Most of us live almost exclusively in the sagittal plane limiting our functional mobility, strength and performance. Read more about the importance of planes of motion. in addition to standard sagittal exercises (which are still great) consider layering in more frontal and traverse moves to your program for your lower body, upper body and core.

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