JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

JJFit Book Club: “You Are What You Click”

Thanks to my good friend Sarah I recently got a library card and visited San Francisco’s main public library to get my hands on a copy of “You Are What You Click: How Being Selective, Positive, and Creative Can Transform Your Social Media”. I don’t want to give too much away. But you’d have to be living under a rock not to know there are issues with overconsumption of social media. I chose this book because its author, Brian Primack, is an MD, PhD and clinical researcher focused on social media.

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JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

If you've ever been frustrated by the Western approach to medicine of treating disease but dropping the ball when it comes to prevention, give this a read (or listen). This book is a great roadmap for developing a strategy for life and exercise plays a huge component. Start thinking strategically about your longevity goals and plans now!

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