Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

In theory, I love this recent NYT article about “adopting a playful attitude toward working out”. It’s a lovely story about an awkward kid who grew up to be a trainer who helps his clients “get silly” in their workouts (piggyback rides, tag, skipping). The premise is so important. Working out doesn’t have to be awful. It can be fun. And the benefits of returning to more “primal” (or what I’d call “functional”) movement patterns are indisputable. So what’s the catch? 

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What's the Best Position for Sleeping?

What's the Best Position for Sleeping?

Most people know that muscle and joint pain, particularly in the lower back, can be linked to chronic sitting, a weak core, lazy glutes and poor form in the gym. But the very thing that is supposed to restore and regenerate our bodies (sleep) can also contribute to pain and injury. Poor positioning of the legs can further compress already tight hip muscles. Twisting of the spin or pelvis can cause fussy muscles like the quadratus lumborum to become hypertonic. And acrobatic-like arm contortions can cause nerve pain. I asked my physical therapist and friend what the "best" position is for sleeping for most people.  

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JJFit Reading Club - Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well

JJFit Reading Club - Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well

Full disclosure, this is not an easy read (or listen). It’s dense and at times overwhelming. So if you’re looking for easy answers to what and how to eat you may get frustrated. But the information Tim Spector brings to light is fascinating and important and it’s worth hunkering down to expose yourself to his research and recommendations and to try to start implementing some of his teachings into your habits.

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NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

Boom! If you’ve taken my group fitness classes or trained with me you know I’m a big fan of the wall sit. It’s simple (nearly anyone can safely do it), it requires no equipment and it isometrically targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. What’s not to love?! Plus it burns so good! Add to its list of benefits that it can also help lower your blood pressure as reported this month in the New York Times and backed by some impressive research. Want to learn more about how to properly do a wall sit? Check out this post and video from

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Marina Run Club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

Marina Run Club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

I’m a big fan of the Marina Run Club and their newsletter. Anyone looking for a running community in SF should check them out. The group runs 3 miles together every Tuesday and Thursday morning and six miles on Saturday. They also host various monthly events including strength training and social activities. They have great energy and do a lot to foster community, routine and fitness around running.

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Strategies to Overcome Burnout and Fatigue

Strategies to Overcome Burnout and Fatigue

Chronic burnout, stress, anxiety and even pandemic-related PTSD are real. And so many folks, myself included, are wondering how best to deal with it. So I reached out to Dr. Ashton Perroni who is medical director and naturopathic doctor for Thyme Health to discuss proven and practical ways to address it.

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Looking to Outsource Meal Prep? Here's My Go To Delivery Service: Factor

Looking to Outsource Meal Prep? Here's My Go To Delivery Service: Factor

I'm not into cooking. "But JJ, you're a trainer! Don't you love spending hours in the kitchen meal-prepping and putting everything you eat into perfect little containers?” Sort of. I prepare (not cook!) my breakfasts, lunches and snacks for the work week in advance using many of the recipes I share in my free nutrition guide. But actually cooking? I'm just not into it. So Peter and I decided years ago to outsource our weekday dinners to a meal delivery service. After trying a few different ones we landed on Factor and have been loving it. 

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JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

If you've ever been frustrated by the Western approach to medicine of treating disease but dropping the ball when it comes to prevention, give this a read (or listen). This book is a great roadmap for developing a strategy for life and exercise plays a huge component. Start thinking strategically about your longevity goals and plans now!

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8 Practices For Healthy Social Media Habits

8 Practices For Healthy Social Media Habits

I struggle just as much as the next guy when it comes to social media. Sometimes it fills me with joy and really makes me feel connected to people I love. And sometimes it makes me feel awful--like I'm endlessly scrolling for something I never find. And it's hard to notice exactly when I cross the line from joy to doom. There are several great tips in this article from One Medical so I encourage anyone who wants to improve their relationship with social media and their mental wellness to give it a read.

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Tips and Tricks for a Comfortable Crow Pose

Tips and Tricks for a Comfortable Crow Pose

When my good buddy Morgan, who is an amazing personal trainer and a talented yoga instructor, comes to visit my office fitness shenanigans always ensue! I asked for her best tips for anyone struggling with their crow pose. Grab your mat, maybe a yoga block and make your best claws and paws! CAW CAW!

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Banded Dead Bugs for Core Strengthening

Banded Dead Bugs for Core Strengthening

If you're looking for a way to progress your bodyweight dead bugs and target your upper core a little more, give these banded dead bugs a try! You can also turn them into a marching drill or leg drops. So many options!

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Why "Natural Sounds" Like Birds and Rain Calm Us Down

Why "Natural Sounds" Like Birds and Rain Calm Us Down

I recently spent the night in a noisy hotel. And it STRESSED me out. I was exhausted from the flight and the thought of a sleepless night from the raucous noise of my neighbors was causing my heart to race and my blood to boil. I remembered hearing in a podcast recently that birds singing have a calming effect on humans due to an evolutionary signal of safety (birds don't hang out and sing when threats to humans are around). I started poking around on Spotify looking for nature sounds and found this lifesaver playlist of rain sounds.

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Exactly How to Do a Correct Sit-Up for Stronger Abs

Exactly How to Do a Correct Sit-Up for Stronger Abs

Sit ups have had their fair share of ups and downs (no pun intended) in the fitness world. They’ve gone from being the “go to” ab exercise among gym goers and group fitness classes to being ostracized in favor of core stability moves like planks and paloff presses. So… should we or shouldn’t we be doing sit ups? Checkout my latest collaboration with where we do a deep dive into the do’s and don’ts for integrating sit ups into your core strengthening program including several videos of my favorite sit up variations.

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Should You Exercise When Sick?

Should You Exercise When Sick?

It’s that time of year. Everyone around you is getting sick. Again. Those who were once your family, friends and colleagues are now the enemy. They’ve become evil germ zombies from The Last of Us come to destroy your gains and screw up your perfect rhythm of work and life. Like death and taxes, it happens to us all and despite your best efforts, you may get sick at some point. I am frequently asked whether working out will help or hurt when under the weather. So I’m sharing my go-to references for deciding.

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In the News: How to Repair Muscles After Exercise

In the News: How to Repair Muscles After Exercise

In any fitness regimen, rest and muscle recovery are just as important as strength training or cardio workouts. Learn how Earthing, Hydration, Diet, Massage and Contrast Therapy can help with muscle recovery in this article written by David Sautter for Natural Awakenings including interviews with me and other fitness professionals.

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Client Spotlight: Katherine Takes on the 292 Mile Lebanon Mountain Trail!

Client Spotlight: Katherine Takes on the 292 Mile Lebanon Mountain Trail!

The BEST part of being a personal trainer is witnessing how clients use the fitness we build to live their fullest lives. It gives me tremendous satisfaction when clients feel empowered to take on new challenges both in everyday life and in big new adventures. I'm beaming with pride that the amazing Katherine Maher is off this month to take on a herculean challenge and to fulfill a dream and I'm grateful she took a few minutes to share in a quick interview how integrating fitness into your daily life can prepare you for HUGE adventures. 

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Crab Your Way to Better Mobility and Core Strength

Crab Your Way to Better Mobility and Core Strength

Let’s get our crab on! Crab touches are an awesome functional movement that improves mobility and core strength and can help alleviate a tight back, hips and shoulders. No wonder they are a favorite in my classes and amongst my personal training clients. Plus, they are kinda fun!

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Get More Mobile Ankles and Stronger Feet in 3 Minutes

Get More Mobile Ankles and Stronger Feet in 3 Minutes

I’ve had multiple clients ask me this week how to take better care of their feet. Whether you have joint pain (foot, knee, hip or back) now or simply want to avoid it in the future, here’s my gameplay for healthy tootsies.

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Why and How to Consider a Turmeric Supplement

Why and How to Consider a Turmeric Supplement

I have noticed since hitting 40 my body is changing. My joints get more sore, recovery from tough workouts can take longer and sometimes my brain feels foggy. All normal stuff that smart people I trust have told me turmeric can help with. So a few years ago I did what any logical person would do. I crowd sourced it to social media and cross referenced it with scholarly research and got a bevy of solid advice here.

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Three Stretches for Better Wrist Mobility

Three Stretches for Better Wrist Mobility

In this quick video my amazing physical therapist and friend Dr. Justin Jellin of G Sports Physical Therapy in San Francisco shows us his three most effective stretches for tight wrists, hands and forearms. If your hands and wrists are tight and tired from typing, texting, lifting, etc, try each of these three stretches for 30s two times each side (unless they cause pain and in that case rest and give him a call).

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