Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

Rocking and Rolling Is Serious Business

In theory, I love this recent NYT article about “adopting a playful attitude toward working out”. It’s a lovely story about an awkward kid who grew up to be a trainer who helps his clients “get silly” in their workouts (piggyback rides, tag, skipping). The premise is so important. Working out doesn’t have to be awful. It can be fun. And the benefits of returning to more “primal” (or what I’d call “functional”) movement patterns are indisputable. So what’s the catch? 

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JJFit Reading Club - Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well

JJFit Reading Club - Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well

Full disclosure, this is not an easy read (or listen). It’s dense and at times overwhelming. So if you’re looking for easy answers to what and how to eat you may get frustrated. But the information Tim Spector brings to light is fascinating and important and it’s worth hunkering down to expose yourself to his research and recommendations and to try to start implementing some of his teachings into your habits.

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NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

NYT Reports Walls Sits Can Lower Blood Pressure

Boom! If you’ve taken my group fitness classes or trained with me you know I’m a big fan of the wall sit. It’s simple (nearly anyone can safely do it), it requires no equipment and it isometrically targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. What’s not to love?! Plus it burns so good! Add to its list of benefits that it can also help lower your blood pressure as reported this month in the New York Times and backed by some impressive research. Want to learn more about how to properly do a wall sit? Check out this post and video from

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JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

JJFit Reading Club - Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

If you've ever been frustrated by the Western approach to medicine of treating disease but dropping the ball when it comes to prevention, give this a read (or listen). This book is a great roadmap for developing a strategy for life and exercise plays a huge component. Start thinking strategically about your longevity goals and plans now!

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Why "Natural Sounds" Like Birds and Rain Calm Us Down

Why "Natural Sounds" Like Birds and Rain Calm Us Down

I recently spent the night in a noisy hotel. And it STRESSED me out. I was exhausted from the flight and the thought of a sleepless night from the raucous noise of my neighbors was causing my heart to race and my blood to boil. I remembered hearing in a podcast recently that birds singing have a calming effect on humans due to an evolutionary signal of safety (birds don't hang out and sing when threats to humans are around). I started poking around on Spotify looking for nature sounds and found this lifesaver playlist of rain sounds.

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Why and How to Consider a Turmeric Supplement

Why and How to Consider a Turmeric Supplement

I have noticed since hitting 40 my body is changing. My joints get more sore, recovery from tough workouts can take longer and sometimes my brain feels foggy. All normal stuff that smart people I trust have told me turmeric can help with. So a few years ago I did what any logical person would do. I crowd sourced it to social media and cross referenced it with scholarly research and got a bevy of solid advice here.

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JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

routine for optimal health and fitness. Check out the list here and to learn why I picked resistance training (especially pulling movements) click here. Note, this article is focused on men but the recommendations hold true for most humans regardless of gender.

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Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

There are SO MANY trackers on the market. And the landscape changes all the time. The ones discussed in this post are the ones I have personally used at various stages of my fitness journey and have seen work for many of my clients. If you have something that is already working for you, GREAT! Don’t fix what ain’t broke. But if you are looking for something to aid you along in your wellness journey maybe one or some of these can help.

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Can Oatmeal Lower Your Cholesterol?

Can Oatmeal Lower Your Cholesterol?

In January I had my cholesterol checked and it was high. Aren't genetics a blast?! I already eat pretty darn well, exercise, don't smoke or drink, avoid trans fats--all the things that are known to help. I want to avoid medicine if/however long I can and opted to talk to my doctor about nutrition as a path to lower it naturally. Literally all I've changed since January was replacing my old breakfast of Greek yogurt and fruit with homemade rolled oatmeal (not instant) and berries. Here’s what happened.

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What Is "Grounding" and Can It Improve Health and Wellness?

What Is "Grounding" and Can It Improve Health and Wellness?

The concept of “grounding” or “earthing” is an interesting one. On the surface it seems simple and rather intuitive: humans need to connect physically with the Earth to optimize our health. To ground you simply place your skin (usually feet or hands) in direct contact with the Earth (like natural grass, dirt or sand--no artificial surfaces). The health benefits of stepping away from our busy lives to move our bodies, get fresh air and sunlight and be in nature are proven and widely accepted. Fledgling research adds another fascinating potential benefit of this practice that Morgan and I discuss in this short five minute video.

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Dr. Mark and JJ Discuss and Demo the Latest Uses for BFR Training

Dr. Mark and JJ Discuss and Demo the Latest Uses for BFR Training

I’ve written about BFR (“Blood Flow Restriction”) or “Occlusion” Training on and off since 2017. This modality of resistance training has been clinically proven as a way to effectively and safely “hypertrophy” muscle. So when I was recently visiting my AMAZING physical therapist Dr. Mark Bautista, I was surprised to see patients being treated with BFR cuffs. I asked Dr. Mark about it and I learned about the deluge of recent clinical studies that have broadened the usage of BFR to include injury-specific rehab/prehab, sports performance, endurance, strength as well as traditional hypertrophy.

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Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Goal Setting and Planning Strategies

Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ: Goal Setting and Planning Strategies

In this month’s edition of "Couch Talk with Morgan and JJ" we take a few minutes to share some goal setting strategies that will help you find the right goals for where/who you are and how to prepare and plan to succeed!

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Recorded Workshop: Proven and Practical Tips for Getting Awesome Sleep

Recorded Workshop: Proven and Practical Tips for Getting Awesome Sleep

Join Morgan and JJ for a discussion on the science and strategies behind getting better sleep. In this hour-long recorded Zoom workshop we’ll talk about the science behind the latest sleep research and review strategies and tips that have helped our clients improve their sleep to become healthier humans and better professionals.

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How to Start a Gratitude Practice to Improve Wellness

How to Start a Gratitude Practice to Improve Wellness

I shared in my latest newsletter the idea of picking just one thing to make things better. My one thing these days is to better connect with gratitude. The proven physical and mental benefits of a gratitude practice are undeniable. Gratitude can improve many aspects of your wellness including reduced pain, better physical performance, improved sleep and even better relationships.

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In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

If you’re looking to trim down, figuring out the secret sauce for saving muscle while losing fat can feel pretty overwhelming. For the best science-based, medically reviewed advice from me and other leading experts give this Greatist article a look and let me know if you have any questions.

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In the News: 6 Foam Rolling Mistakes

In the News: 6 Foam Rolling Mistakes

Foam rolling is a great way to take care of tight tissues and to mobilize your joints. But there are some things to avoid. Check out my latest collaborating with LiveStrong for tips from me and other fitness pros. And check out all my LiveStrong interviews here.

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Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND Explains How Naturopathic Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND Explains How Naturopathic Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Now more than ever it’s critical that we practice preventative care to boost our immune systems, manage stress and tend to our body’s needs. I’ve been curious for a long time about Naturopathic Medicine and how/if it integrates with traditional Western Medicine. Can Naturopathic modalities help reduce our chances of contracting COVID-19 or minimize its impact if we do contract it? I interviewed Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND to help shed some light on these questions and more.

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Should I Shower and Apply Deodorant Before Going to the Gym?

Should I Shower and Apply Deodorant Before Going to the Gym?

Etiquette aside, some evidence suggests that a hot shower before exercising can increase your body temperature, encouraging blood flow and loosening any tense muscles, which should theoretically result in an easier workout. Unfortunately, though, since your body temperature will be higher to begin with, the chances of you burning out earlier in your workout are also higher. On the flip side, studies indicate that taking a quick cold shower, particularly before some cardio, can help the body withstand prolonged exercise at higher intensity levels, since the cold temperature lowers your heart rate, leaving both your muscles and heart with more room to keep on pumping during a workout before they inevitably overheat. For more on this “heated” topic, checkout my interview on the DSC Blog.

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