Exactly How to Do a Correct Sit-Up for Stronger Abs

Exactly How to Do a Correct Sit-Up for Stronger Abs

Sit ups have had their fair share of ups and downs (no pun intended) in the fitness world. They’ve gone from being the “go to” ab exercise among gym goers and group fitness classes to being ostracized in favor of core stability moves like planks and paloff presses. So… should we or shouldn’t we be doing sit ups? Checkout my latest collaboration with LiveStrong.com where we do a deep dive into the do’s and don’ts for integrating sit ups into your core strengthening program including several videos of my favorite sit up variations.

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In the News: How to Repair Muscles After Exercise

In the News: How to Repair Muscles After Exercise

In any fitness regimen, rest and muscle recovery are just as important as strength training or cardio workouts. Learn how Earthing, Hydration, Diet, Massage and Contrast Therapy can help with muscle recovery in this article written by David Sautter for Natural Awakenings including interviews with me and other fitness professionals.

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Client Spotlight: Katherine Takes on the 292 Mile Lebanon Mountain Trail!

Client Spotlight: Katherine Takes on the 292 Mile Lebanon Mountain Trail!

The BEST part of being a personal trainer is witnessing how clients use the fitness we build to live their fullest lives. It gives me tremendous satisfaction when clients feel empowered to take on new challenges both in everyday life and in big new adventures. I'm beaming with pride that the amazing Katherine Maher is off this month to take on a herculean challenge and to fulfill a dream and I'm grateful she took a few minutes to share in a quick interview how integrating fitness into your daily life can prepare you for HUGE adventures. 

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Get More Mobile Ankles and Stronger Feet in 3 Minutes

Get More Mobile Ankles and Stronger Feet in 3 Minutes

I’ve had multiple clients ask me this week how to take better care of their feet. Whether you have joint pain (foot, knee, hip or back) now or simply want to avoid it in the future, here’s my gameplay for healthy tootsies.

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JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

routine for optimal health and fitness. Check out the list here and to learn why I picked resistance training (especially pulling movements) click here. Note, this article is focused on men but the recommendations hold true for most humans regardless of gender.

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JJFit in the News: The Best Gym Machines "for Women"

JJFit in the News: The Best Gym Machines "for Women"

It’s always an honor being quoted in the press. I’ll preface this with exactly what I told the reporter (which he didn’t include). These machines can be great for any human regardless of gender. A machine cannot be better or worse for a woman than a man. I get where he was going. Because it is true that some women can be fearful of the functional training floor and wish to stick to the machines where it’s quieter. But men can feel that way too. And certainly trans and non binary gym goers. But I digress. If you are curious about which machines in the gym do what, give this US News & World Report article a look regardless of your gender.

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Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

There are SO MANY trackers on the market. And the landscape changes all the time. The ones discussed in this post are the ones I have personally used at various stages of my fitness journey and have seen work for many of my clients. If you have something that is already working for you, GREAT! Don’t fix what ain’t broke. But if you are looking for something to aid you along in your wellness journey maybe one or some of these can help.

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15 Goal Ideas to Inspire More Movement and Joy

15 Goal Ideas to Inspire More Movement and Joy

Traditionally a lot of people jump into the holidays with two feet (see what I did there?!) and the best of intentions for crushing big fitness and wellness goals starting in the new year. Trainers like me used to see spikes in new gym memberships and requests for strict meal plans (instead of spikes in Coronavirus variants and virtual training sessions). If you are struggling with motivation and finding a goal that resonates with you, here are 15 some of my peeps are going for in the coming months that will influence their weekly fitness routines.

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Dr. Mark and JJ Discuss and Demo the Latest Uses for BFR Training

Dr. Mark and JJ Discuss and Demo the Latest Uses for BFR Training

I’ve written about BFR (“Blood Flow Restriction”) or “Occlusion” Training on and off since 2017. This modality of resistance training has been clinically proven as a way to effectively and safely “hypertrophy” muscle. So when I was recently visiting my AMAZING physical therapist Dr. Mark Bautista, I was surprised to see patients being treated with BFR cuffs. I asked Dr. Mark about it and I learned about the deluge of recent clinical studies that have broadened the usage of BFR to include injury-specific rehab/prehab, sports performance, endurance, strength as well as traditional hypertrophy.

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Looking for a Killer Shoulder Program?

Looking for a Killer Shoulder Program?

I've been working a lot this year, thanks to the incomparable Marcia Robles, on shoulders. Shoulders are like the Regina George of joints: they're fabulous but they're evil. Meaning they are (or should be) one of our most mobile joints, but due to modern living and desk culture many folks suffer from lack of proper shoulder mobility/stability, impingement and other dysfunctions which make it hard or impossible to strength train. But with the proper warm up and mobility drills, and the clearance of your physical therapist if you have one, this program is a great one for getting those striations popping and to stimulate hypertrophy (muscle growth).

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Rainbow 10 Challenge: Add Some Colors to Your Day

Rainbow 10 Challenge: Add Some Colors to Your Day

This post isn’t about how to eat to lose fat or gain muscle. Those are great goals and I help people do that all the time. You can get that for free in my guide. This is about something different. This post is about looking at your routine and what you’re eating in a day and making incremental, manageable improvements. The goal is simply to do something kind for your body not so you look better, but so you feel better physically and emotionally because you know you are doing something good for your health.

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JJFit Challenge May 2022 for Planned Parenthood

JJFit Challenge May 2022 for Planned Parenthood

A huge thank you to my JJFit On-Demand subscribers who have continued to stream my recorded workouts over the past few months since we retired my live weekly Zoom class. I was in such a grumpy mood today and decided to get off my duff and do this class and I'm so happy that I did! Any donations to this class or any class from my library in the month of May will be given 100% to Planned Parenthood.

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Try This Killer Bicep Bootcamp to Make Those Gunz Grow

Try This Killer Bicep Bootcamp to Make Those Gunz Grow

Looking to get a great bicep pump and stimulate hypertrophy (muscle growth) of your gunz? My good friend Marcia Robles, the Maestro of Arm Programming, created this kick ass series of bicep exercises pre-pandemic and I’m bringing it back to my own routine to prep for tank top season (well, it’s always tank top season n my world, but you know what I mean)l

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Holiday Gifts Any Fitness Buff Will Love

Holiday Gifts Any Fitness Buff Will Love

It's that time of year again and folks are beginning to grill me for fitness-related gift ideas. Here are a few of my favorite things that are sure to please anyone trying to fit fitness and nutrition into a busy, balanced life whether working out at home, in the gym or on the road.

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Meal Prepping 101: The Easy Way to Start Eating Better

Meal Prepping 101: The Easy Way to Start Eating Better

So you finally accepted that eating out for breakfast, lunch and dinner makes it nearly impossible to reach your fitness and health goals? Bagels and breakfast burritos (or no breakfast at all), quick serve sandwiches and salads near the office and takeout (or worse happy hour treats) are killing your waistline and your wallet? Congrats. Acceptance is the first step. The next step is getting onboard with meal prepping and it doesn’t have to be as complicated or laborious as you think.

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How To Protect Your Skin When Working Out

How To Protect Your Skin When Working Out

Exercise means sweating and sweating can lead to skin-related issues like irritation, inflammation and breakouts. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can follow to avoid these problems and protect your skin without sacrificing your fitness goals. I used to get terrible adult acne. And it really upset me. So I saw a dermatologist and esthetician and they gave me some great tips for keeping skin in great shape when working out.

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What is Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training?

What is Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training?

I first started experimenting with Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) or “Occlusion” training back in 2017. At first I was skeptical of this gimmicky looking technique for “bio hacking” muscles to grow faster with less work. Frankly, I figured it was another unsafe or ineffective scam by the fitness industry trying to sell me something I don’t need. But, as a trainer, I try to have an open mind and test different lifting styles and products to gain firsthand experience to pass along to my clients. In the end I’ve found that with the right cuffs and under the right circumstances it can be a safe and helpful way to build muscle.

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"What’s It Like Working Virtually with JJ?"

"What’s It Like Working Virtually with JJ?"

This is why I do what I do. I'm super proud of my virtual training clients like Dan, Chris, Alycia, Kimberly and Michael. Together we've overcome a lot of challenges to develop customized effective, safe and challenging wellness programs that evolve based on their needs and includes 1/1 virtual personal training, virtual group fitness and nutrition coaching. Seeing my clients thrive all over the country gets me jumping out of bed each morning. Well... that and coffee.

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JJFit & NewsUpNow Pumpin' Divas

JJFit & NewsUpNow Pumpin' Divas

Join me and the legendary drag queens of the Castro Donna Sachet, Paju Munro and Katya Smirnoff-Skyy for a hilarious 45-minute total body workout. All donations benefit the great work at NewsUpNow.org helping to keep the arts and entertainment sector alive in the Bay Area. Choose your own donation from $1-$100 and watch the video here.

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