HIIT It for 20 Minutes to Burn Fat, Improve Endurance and Strengthen Legs

HIIT It for 20 Minutes to Burn Fat, Improve Endurance and Strengthen Legs

This is the time of year when a lot of folks get the fitness f*ck its. End of year deliverables, travel plans, holiday parties and sugary (boozy!) treats everywhere can make us feel powerless over our schedules, diets and fitness goals. I get it. But rather than starting 2017 feeling bloated, fatigued and defeated consider trying one of my favorite efficient and effective high intensity interval running programs. Scrape together 20 minutes a few times per week to start burning body fat, improving your cardio endurance and building strength in your legs. 

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Somato-what? What You Should Know About Your Genetic Body Type

Somato-what? What You Should Know About Your Genetic Body Type

Science classifies our bodies into genetic categories. Naturally we fall into one (or a combination) of these three “somatotypes” based on body structure, muscle and fat storage and distribution: Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph: Knowing your natural body type can help guide you toward the right exercise and nutrition plan to help you naturally become more healthy and fit. 

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Rowing 101: 3 Quick Fixes for Perfect Form

Rowing 101: 3 Quick Fixes for Perfect Form

When done properly rowing is a metabolic, total body workout that strengthens a lot of areas the average desk-bound professional needs to work on. But if you find your lower back or neck aching during or after your sessions on the erg or if you just feel like your stroke needs help, checkout these simple fixes from my fellow Equinox Pine Street trainer and friend Lauren Barkan.

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These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

Work-life balance is a big challenge for a lot of folks and can be a huge obstacle to health and fitness goals. Check out this article from FastCompany.com, These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs. It includes interviews of successful professionals in industries known for insane hours and find out how they manage to maintain a personal life amidst the intensity of their careers. Included was my awesome client Tom, the office managing partner of law firm Nixon Peabody’s San Francisco office. 

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#FirstWorldProblems... Is Your Tech-centric Lifestyle Ruining Your Health? These Tips Can Help.

#FirstWorldProblems... Is Your Tech-centric Lifestyle Ruining Your Health? These Tips Can Help.

Most of us got the memo that “sitting is the new smoking”. Chronic sitting, especially with poor posture, slumped over a laptop, iPhone or other piece of posture-wrecking technology, causes tightness in the hips, pectorals and several muscles that internally rotate the shoulders. Those tight muscles can pull joints out of alignment and cause pain and stiffness in the back, neck and legs and give you that oh so chic Hunchback of Notre Dame look. Not healthy. Not cute. But you can make some simple yet impactful lifestyle changes that will have you looking and feeling healthy and confident. 

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123Honesty with SoulCycle's Andrew Stinger

123Honesty with SoulCycle's Andrew Stinger

It's no secret I'm a fan of SoulCycle. I think it can be a great part of a well-rounded physical and mental fitness program that can help keep you lean and strong. For more on my thoughts about SoulCycle, check out my previous post. Like most group fitness classes it's ALL ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR. Last week I stumbled into SoulCycle SOMA for a 930a SoulCycle Survivor class led by Andrew Stinger. And immediately I knew he'd be inspiring. After class I stalked him down and he graciously agreed to share some of his insights for new and veteran SoulCycle riders. Enjoy and I encourage you to give one of Andrew's classes in the Bay Area a try!

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Q&A With Trish Tobin: "Making Time for Fitness Gives Me Back More Time"

Q&A With Trish Tobin: "Making Time for Fitness Gives Me Back More Time"

On any given Tuesday or Friday at an ungodly hour between 6a-630a you can find me and the amazing Trish Tobin warming her up for her training session. And while from an outsider's perspective it may sound like we're having way too much fun, she's serious about her health and fitness. She shows up for every early morning session despite, as she explains, not always being stoked to be there. But she shows up for herself and does the work. And she feels better for it every time she does. So read on to learn why this busy professional makes time for fitness in her very full life and how doing so actually gives her back more time in the energy it provides.  

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Overcoming ACL Tears: Don't Let Injuries Rob You of Your Passions

Overcoming ACL Tears: Don't Let Injuries Rob You of Your Passions

This is the story of my client Phil. Though only in his mid-20s years of high level volleyball left him with a damaged knee. Three ACL tears and five knee surgeries later the doctors put him on the bench and told him to wait until medical technology improved enough to offer him a solution. No more hiking, surfing or rock climbing. Simply stepping off a curb presented a challenge. Fast forward less than a year later and, after consistent hard work, Phil has safely summited Half Dome and can hike over the most rugged terrain. To learn some specific exercises for how we strengthened his knee to accomplish this, read on.

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If This Busy Law Firm Partner and Husband Learned to Make His Health a Priority, You Can Too!

If This Busy Law Firm Partner and Husband Learned to Make His Health a Priority, You Can Too!

I started training Tom Gaynor about two years ago. And looking back at how far he’s come I can barely remember some of the challenges we used to face. If I squint my eyes and think back really hard I can vaguely remember a heavier guy with an inhaler in one hand and a Blackberry in another frequently complaining about how his back hurt. Now when I see Tom, I see a man with a body that moves pain free, is 25# lighter and has greater capacity lungs. And he still gets to enjoy the occasional steak frites and martini. Tom is the kind of client that inspires me with his genuine commitment to his health while still successfully managing a thriving law practice, clamoring clients and a family (husband - who I now also train - and dog, Louis) in Marin. If you don’t think small changes over time can really add up, then you have to read his story below.

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Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Bright-eyed, blond and beautiful on the inside and out. That describes Sarah Schulze. I can hardly believe that it’s been over two years since this amazing woman walked into my gym and into my life. We’ve trained consistently during that time and she’s become not only one of my strongest and most committed clients (she can deadlift, back squat, front squat and hip thrust like a champ and is building up her pull ups now!) but also my friend, my spin sister and my yoga buddy. Sarah embodies the fitness principle of balance. I love her story and her energy and I’m so glad she took the time to share it with us. 

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Why I Love My SoulCycle Saturdays

Why I Love My SoulCycle Saturdays

Years ago, before I became a personal trainer, I visited my best friend in Manhattan. He’s one of those uber connected, “in the know” guys always impeccably dressed and on trend. He couldn’t wait to take me to his newest fitness obsession: SoulCycle. I rolled my eyes with every detail. Candles? Weights on bikes? Motivational coaches? Celebrity sightings? No thanks. But I went. And ever since I’ve included it as part of my balanced fitness program. And here’s why

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Q&A: Jason Levy Tells Us Why Fitness Is One of the Best Investments of Time, Money and Energy He’s Ever Made

Q&A: Jason Levy Tells Us Why Fitness Is One of the Best Investments of Time, Money and Energy He’s Ever Made

I met Jason shortly after his 30th birthday (our first six weeks were a gift from his father). In the eight months since, the dude has worked hard, followed advice and focused on what’s important: long term health and balance. He has lost 26 pounds and 10% body fat, improved his energy, learned how to eat healthy and become strong. He has come to like big lifts like back squats, deadlifts and bench press (despite what he might tell you) and has improved his endurance for running, spinning and even the dreaded Versa Climber. Jason is one of those clients who inspires me, others in the gym, his family and even his officemates to be better. And he was kind enough to share some of his insights and experiences. 

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Simple Steps to Headstand Success

Simple Steps to Headstand Success

2015 was the year of the headstand. Half a dozen clients this year came to me wishing they could do a headstand. Some thought it would be a fun performance goal and demonstration of upper body and core strength. Some felt self conscious doing inversions during yoga class against a wall. And one had a long term goal of doing a full, unassisted handstand. So I turned to Kathleen Beachler (Personal Training Manager at Equinox Pine Street and former gymnast) to help.

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Q&A with Eric Steiner: Fitness Provides Balance, Focus and a Way to Contribute to the Community

Q&A with Eric Steiner: Fitness Provides Balance, Focus and a Way to Contribute to the Community

It takes a strong resolve to commit to a consistent fitness regime, particularly one that includes training at lunchtime when most FiDi professionals are either slumped over their desks eating a takeout salad or waiting in line at a food truck or Philz. Over the past year my client and friend Eric Steiner has run multiple marathons, recovered from knee surgery, maintained an impressive weightlifting training program and decided to once again ride the 545 miles from SF to LA in 2016 to help raise money for, and awareness of, our continued fight against HIV/AIDS. So I asked Eric to share his insights on how training helps him maintain balance and what his upcoming AIDS/Lifecycle ride means to him.

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Q&A with Nicole Lana Lee: Fitness and Nutrition Are Helping Her “Be the Best Version of Herself”

Q&A with Nicole Lana Lee: Fitness and Nutrition Are Helping Her “Be the Best Version of Herself”

I’m fortunate enough to train some pretty amazing people. Among them is the lovely (both on the inside and out) Nicole Lana Lee. In addition to being a financial wiz, she is also the force behind NicoleLana.com and a force to be reckoned with in the gym, on the surfboard and in the yoga studio. She was kind enough to share her insights on how her fitness journey and personal training have affected her life. Enjoy!

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Warning! Side Affects May Include Bikini Bod and Uncontrollable Happiness

Warning! Side Affects May Include Bikini Bod and Uncontrollable Happiness

Why is Kim smiling and glowing so bright in this picture we took at 5:30am on October 12?! Because it was reassessment day. We already knew her training program and nutritional tweaks were working because she was feeling stronger, had more endurance and her clothes were fitting great. But it's a good idea to check the numbers and make additional tweaks as needed for optimal results. 

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