Meal Prepping 101: The Easy Way to Start Eating Better

Meal Prepping 101: The Easy Way to Start Eating Better

So you finally accepted that eating out for breakfast, lunch and dinner makes it nearly impossible to reach your fitness and health goals? Bagels and breakfast burritos (or no breakfast at all), quick serve sandwiches and salads near the office and takeout (or worse happy hour treats) are killing your waistline and your wallet? Congrats. Acceptance is the first step. The next step is getting onboard with meal prepping and it doesn’t have to be as complicated or laborious as you think.

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"Cooking with JJ" Episode 5: Simple Greek Salad with Seared Chicken

"Cooking with JJ" Episode 5: Simple Greek Salad with Seared Chicken

This is hands down one of my favorite salads. I'm a big fan of creamy Caesar dressings but they can be super fattening and rich. So this recipe gives the same flavor with a fraction of the calories and fat thanks to the combo of lemon juice, hummus and feta. The salad on it's own is great but if you want to make it a yummy, hot meal I'll show you how to saute chicken breast in coconut oil on your stove to top things off.

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"Cooking with JJ" Episode 1: Banana Blueberry Protein Muffins

"Cooking with JJ" Episode 1: Banana Blueberry Protein Muffins

I'm super excited to share the premier episode of Cooking with JJ, a video partnership between Jonathan Jordan Fitness and the incredible producers at In each episode we'll share delicious and healthy meal prep hacks, recipes and techniques to fuel your life. In this episode I'll show you how to make my famous Banana Blueberry Protein Muffins.

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How To Protect Your Skin When Working Out

How To Protect Your Skin When Working Out

Exercise means sweating and sweating can lead to skin-related issues like irritation, inflammation and breakouts. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can follow to avoid these problems and protect your skin without sacrificing your fitness goals. I used to get terrible adult acne. And it really upset me. So I saw a dermatologist and esthetician and they gave me some great tips for keeping skin in great shape when working out.

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"What’s It Like Working Virtually with JJ?"

"What’s It Like Working Virtually with JJ?"

This is why I do what I do. I'm super proud of my virtual training clients like Dan, Chris, Alycia, Kimberly and Michael. Together we've overcome a lot of challenges to develop customized effective, safe and challenging wellness programs that evolve based on their needs and includes 1/1 virtual personal training, virtual group fitness and nutrition coaching. Seeing my clients thrive all over the country gets me jumping out of bed each morning. Well... that and coffee.

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5 Ways to Fit Fitness Into a Busy Schedule

5 Ways to Fit Fitness Into a Busy Schedule

How many hours do you dedicate to exercise each week? Well, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults participate in moderate-intensity physical activities for 150 minutes per week or in high-intensity exercises for 75 minutes every week. Moreover, you should also be doing muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. There are a lot of strategies that can be employed so that busy professionals can incorporate a few minutes of exercise into their schedules. And here are a few of them.

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Client Spotlight: Kimberly Su and Her "Virtual Fitness" Journey

Client Spotlight: Kimberly Su and Her "Virtual Fitness" Journey

When I met Kimberly in February 2020 for a quick chat to discuss training together I was super excited. She wanted to build a strength training program to help her recover from a hip injury and to get her feeling strong and balanced in her body. She was everything I look for in a client: ready, willing and energetic. And then COVID hit.

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In the News: 15 Expert-Approved Hacks to Maintain a Walking Habit

In the News: 15 Expert-Approved Hacks to Maintain a Walking Habit

The body is designed to move and a daily walking habit is well-worth keeping up with for its physical and mental health benefits. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, getting out the door for a walk can feel next to impossible. To increase motivation when you’re not feeling it, try shifting your mindset with these strategies from me and 14 other fitness pros in this MyFitnessPal blog post.

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5 Realistic Fitness Goals for the Next 12 Months

5 Realistic Fitness Goals for the Next 12 Months

I'm honored to be interviewed in this US News & World Report article about setting realistic health goals during these unprecedented times. My clients, students and I are all struggling with how to keep moving toward our mobility, strength and aesthetic goals with increased hours at the computer; decreased access to equipment, in person classes and in person training; and increased stress, anxiety and comfort eating. I share my thoughts on how to set and achieve goals for the next year using the tools you have and meeting yourself where you are.

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So Your Gym's Closed? You Got This. 7 Ways to Move at Home.

So Your Gym's Closed? You Got This. 7 Ways to Move at Home.

Since sheltering in place and social distancing have become the new normal for the time-being, most of us are working more, moving even less and are definitely feeling more anxious. Though your routine may be shot, it’s not too late to create a new one. Just because your gym is closed doesn’t mean you can’t work out. Now’s the perfect time to get started. Not tomorrow. Today! When all this is over, you can look back and say you stepped outside your comfort zone and did something amazing for yourself.

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The Best At Home Yoga Classes

The Best At Home Yoga Classes

Though our gyms and yoga studios are closed many of the Bay Area’s top yoga professionals are offering live and recorded classes online through Facebook Live, Instagram Live and other web sites. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite yoga instructors in this post. These instructors are offering amazing free/donation-based classes appropriate for all levels. If you want to feel and perform better check them out. Namaste!

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Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND Explains How Naturopathic Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND Explains How Naturopathic Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Now more than ever it’s critical that we practice preventative care to boost our immune systems, manage stress and tend to our body’s needs. I’ve been curious for a long time about Naturopathic Medicine and how/if it integrates with traditional Western Medicine. Can Naturopathic modalities help reduce our chances of contracting COVID-19 or minimize its impact if we do contract it? I interviewed Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND to help shed some light on these questions and more.

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The Best JJFit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

The Best JJFit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Since my students and clients are staying home and not able to come see me for training and group fitness at Equinox and Bay Club for the foreseeable future they are hungry to get safe and effective workouts. So I've compiled some of my own personal "do anywhere" workouts that require minimal equipment. It's time to get creative, folks! These "water jug workouts" are my favorite and are actually really challenging!

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5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Your Wellbeing

5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Your Wellbeing

Thanks to Dr. Seeds and the folks at Authority Magazine for featuring my story about how I transitioned from a corporate consultant to a fitness professional and my advice for lifestyle tweaks that can positively change your wellness. Spoiler alert, this includes a shout out to my mentor Marcia Robles and a declaration of love to Madonna. Read the full interview.

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Five Simple Stretches Every Desk Worker Should Do

Five Simple Stretches Every Desk Worker Should Do

For this post I’ve enlisted the help of one of San Francisco’s most talented and credentialed chiropractors, soft tissue specialists and athletes—Dr. Nick Cruze. Chronic sitting, typing on devices and stress leads to shoulder, back and hip pain (not to mention unwanted body fat and other health issues). While I recognize it’s not always possible to abandon the office or laptop to hit a yoga class or to go for a walk, it IS possible to spend a minute or two several times a day to stretch and give those tight, shortened muscles some relief before they turn into serious issues. In this video Dr. Cruze shares five stretches he most often recommends to desk-bound patients to safely provide relief. 

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Healthy Halloween Treats to Scratch That Sugar Itch

Healthy Halloween Treats to Scratch That Sugar Itch

We're constantly surrounded by sugary treats and temptations. And not just around Halloween! These days hidden sugar is lurking everywhere in the products we buy. In my post last week I shared the facts about sugar in our diet, how much is ok to eat and whether popular sugar substitutes are actually healthy. Just in time for Halloween here are a few of my favorite “healthier” treats. So if you need a sweet treat fix try this microwave chocolate mug cake (only 100 calories!) or this pumpkin mug cake. And these homemade peanut butter cups are fantastic (because remember, healthy fat can be good for you!). And finally, spruce up your fruit with these spooky ghost fruit kabobs.

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What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?

What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?

I get this question a lot. I get it from clients. I get it from friends. I even get it from the coolest fit-tech companies in the world! And it's a GREAT question. How we fuel our bodies affects our performance in the gym, our recovery (and results) from a workout and even the microscopic cells that make us what we are. Food is important. If what you're doing is working for you and you just want to maintain, cool. Keep doing what you're doing. But if you want to change consider changing you're pre- and post-workout nutrition first.

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7 Scenarios When Not Working Out Is the Healthier Choice

7 Scenarios When Not Working Out Is the Healthier Choice

My clients tend to be super successful, Type A, driven professionals who demand a lot from themselves (and the world around them). This can be a really positive trait and an attitude that helps people get the results they want from their workouts. But sometimes, especially with the stress of our 24/7, always online culture, this can be dialed up too high and they push too hard. I recommend listening to your body. If you ignore your body, it will only scream louder. So what does that look like? Start with this MyFitnessPal Blog post with comments from me and other trainers where we explore seven situations when the best thing for your health really is to stay away from the gym. (And it’s not just when you’re sick.)

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