5 Common Workout Excuses Keeping You Out of the Gym—and How to Beat Them

5 Common Workout Excuses Keeping You Out of the Gym—and How to Beat Them

The toughest part about committing to—and sticking with—an exercise program is getting your mind to go along with it. Learn how to jump over five mental hurdles and confront common excuses that could derail your best intentions. Check out my interview in Real Simple for tips from me and other coaches.

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So You’re Not a Morning Workout Person—Here’s How to Become One

So You’re Not a Morning Workout Person—Here’s How to Become One

When it comes to exercising, a morning workout has several advantages. Shift your workouts to the a.m. hours to reap the rewards with these simple strategies from me and other leading coaches in this RealSimple.com article by my pal Karen Asp. And check out these posts from the JJFit.com archive for more advice on improving your sleep.

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Podcast: Pivoting When Work Gets Out of Whack

Podcast: Pivoting When Work Gets Out of Whack

As a corporate and private personal trainer, massage therapist with my own studio, group fitness instructor, nutrition coach, corporate wellness consultant, blogger, writer and occasional model (::hair flip::) I have a lot of demands for my time and attention. I love what I do and it’s easy to let my work life and business take over and eat up all my spare time leaving little to none for the other parts of me. Several times over the years while building my little JJFit Empire I’ve found myself overwhelmed and off balance and had to reset and reprioritize my projects. In this episode of PM for SB Podcast I share my experience, strategies and tools for pivoting when things get out of whack.

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Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Every so often I’ll stumble across a media article saying “calorie counting” doesn’t work. Complaints that it’s too restrictive, too big a hassle and doesn’t align with the latest in nutrition science are the biggest arguments made against this age-old method. But when we dig into the details, most of these stories don’t actually discourage “food tracking”; they discourage extreme caloric deficits, diets lacking in quality and obsessive behaviors around food. I also discourage these dangerous practices, but I maintain  (as do many nutritionists and experts) that “food tracking” can be a very effective tool for weight loss. Recently, my partner Peter lost over 20# through food tracking and he feels better than he has in a long time. I asked him to share his experience and to give those struggling some tips based on what’s worked for him in this Q&A.

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CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

Many lawyers know they should be taking better care of themselves but don’t have enough time and aren’t sure where to start. Lawyers struggle with long hours spent in client meetings, in court, at computers, and hunched over mobile devices. This all takes a painful toll on their bodies. Checkout my guest post on the CEB Blog for some of my most impactful, realistic tips, which have helped hundreds of lawyers make small, manageable changes to improve their health. And you can experience my wellness advice to lawyers in CEB’s program Attorney Wellness, available On Demand.

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Why This Former Athlete Turned White Collar Pro Refocused His Approach to Fitness

Why This Former Athlete Turned White Collar Pro Refocused His Approach to Fitness

From the minute I met Chris C. I was impressed. This former college athlete turned white collar finance professional has some very admirable goals and a commitment to them that is inspiring. He wanted help developing a program that would make his body more mobile, more endurant and strong for the long haul. There’s nothing wrong with aesthetic goals. I have them myself. But it’s uncommon these days for a man in his 20s to tell me he wants to move better, longer and stronger. That he doesn’t want his desk job to destroy his body and that he just wants to be the best version of himself possible. I am so lucky to work with clients like Chris (including his roommate and gym buddy Chase) and I’m honored he took time from his busy life to share his thoughts and reflect on his progress with me for this Q&A.

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Podcast: ‘Treat Yourself Like a Client’ … and Other Stress-Free Fitness Tips

Podcast: ‘Treat Yourself Like a Client’ … and Other Stress-Free Fitness Tips

Tired of New Year’s resolutions that fade away come February? Check out my podcast with the editors of Law.com where I offer my best strategies for balancing work and fitness. It’s a good listen for any busy professional, not just lawyers.

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JJFit/CEB Attorney Wellness Webinar Jan 24 for 1 Hour MCLE Credit

JJFit/CEB Attorney Wellness Webinar Jan 24 for 1 Hour MCLE Credit

To maintain competence, it is crucial for attorneys to identify, manage, and reduce stress in a healthy manner. This JJFit/CEB webinar will examine the effects that chronic stress can have on your law practice, your health, and your life, and discuss ten simple and practical approaches to help deal with that stress. January 24, 11:30am to 12:30pm. 1 Hour MCLE Credit. Register with CEB here.

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For the Healthiest Food in the FiDi Lite Bite Is Where It's At!

For the Healthiest Food in the FiDi Lite Bite Is Where It's At!

Finding TRULY healthy lunch options, especially in downtown San Francisco, can be a wild goose chase. The city is littered with quick serve restaurants and pop ups marketing themselves as “fresh”, “light” and “natural” but when you look closely you find hidden calories, astronomical amounts of sodium and food devoid of any real nutrition. But there is one option that stands out—Lite Bite. Having Lite Bite’s DELICIOUS proteins, veggies and salads as options for a quick lunch, snack or dinner, is a godsend.

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Ditch the Crap: Try These Healthy and Tasty Snacks

Ditch the Crap: Try These Healthy and Tasty Snacks

When the mid-morning, mid-afternoon or late night munchies hit, be ready. Don't fall prey to office vending machines, desktop candy bowls or those left over cookies from a client meeting. Get your booty to Trader Joe's and make sure you have some of these healthier (and still super tasty) options on hand at work and home to tide you over. Presented here in somewhat random order. Enjoy!

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Podcast: Is Your Law Firm Making You Flabby? Now Hear This.

Podcast: Is Your Law Firm Making You Flabby? Now Hear This.

Carving out the time to stay fit is tough for lots of lawyers who spend long workdays sitting on their duffs. In this Legal Speak episode, we talk with Jonathan Jordan, a fitness trainer at Equinox in San Francisco and corporate wellness consultant. Jordan, also a Law.com columnist, works with a number of busy lawyers who want to combat the effects of their high-stress, but sedentary jobs. As he explains, even small changes in daily routines can make a difference. And when that happens, lawyers—and their firms—reap the benefits.

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Brides, Body Image and Building a Strong Fitness Foundation

Brides, Body Image and Building a Strong Fitness Foundation

I recently started working with a young, successful and fierce bride-to-be who has infinitely impressed and charmed me. It's easy for clients to succumb to pressure (from themselves, the media, family, etc) to look "perfect" on the big day. Sometimes the quest for the ideal body can lead to negative self talk, unhealthy behaviors and mental and physical stress. What impresses me about Erica is her primary desire to BE healthy and happy. In this post she shares her journey and perspective with us on body image, building a strong fitness foundation and setting expectations.

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Five of the Most Effective Methods for Reducing Body Fat

Five of the Most Effective Methods for Reducing Body Fat

I get so tired of gimmicky, unsafe and ineffective products promoting unrealistic promises of trim waistlines and washboard ads. While fat loss is generally a function of "calories in, calories out" there are some helpful cardio and nutritional methods for helping stimulate fat loss. These five methods have helped many of my clients over the years get lean and more healthy safely and with minimal kicking and screaming.

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You Exercise and Eat Right. Now, About Those Sleep Habits

You Exercise and Eat Right. Now, About Those Sleep Habits

As a personal trainer and a wellness consultant I work with a lot of folks struggling to balance the stresses of life. Those who carve out time to exercise and eat healthy often sacrifice sleep to get it all done.Only 2.5% of the population has a sleep need less than six hours per night. The average person needs 7-8 hours of QUALITY sleep. Making sleep a priority can be challenging, but it is equally as important to our well-being as nutrition and exercise. These 11 tips have helped my clients improve their sleep behaviors making them healthier humans and better professionals.

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A Typical Day in the Life of an Equinox T3+ Trainer

A Typical Day in the Life of an Equinox T3+ Trainer

I was asked by my recruiting team to chart out a typical day in my life so new trainers or those considering a career in personal training can get a glimpse of what to expect. I've been lucky over the years to expand my work to also include group fitness, massage therapy, corporate wellness, blogging and mentoring. I should note, this a real, typical day in "this" Equinox Tier 3+ Trainer's life. I don't speak for Equinox or other trainers. Just me. And yes, I change my clothes A LOT during the course of day depending on what I'm doing. Ok, here we go.  

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Is Intermittent Fasting (IF) RIght for You? Q&A with Trainer Michael Bonella

Is Intermittent Fasting (IF) RIght for You? Q&A with Trainer Michael Bonella

There are a lot of nutritional strategies being popularized in the news and on social media these days: fasted cardio, macro tracking, elimination diets, keto, etc. It can be hard to make heads or tails as to whether these are legit or just some whacky protocol designed to sell you supplements and pipedreams of ripped abs. In this post we’re going to talk about one very legitimate strategy for fat loss, digestive health and improved energy that has been around for quite some time but may be misunderstood: Intermittent Fasting. 

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