Introducing JJ's Guide to Eating Clean and Getting Lean

Introducing JJ's Guide to Eating Clean and Getting Lean

This has been a year in the making and I'm stoked to launch my first e-book: JJ's Guide to Eating Clean and Getting Lean. In this guide, I’ll provide you with a framework and tools for eating to your body composition goals that will still allow you to enjoy your life. My coaching methods have helped hundreds of clients reduce their body fat, get strong and become healthier and more energetic. Ditch the diets and learn a practical and effective way to approach eating for safe, long-term results. On sale now for $4.99.

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If You're Too Busy to Follow This Advice, You Should Follow This Advice.

If You're Too Busy to Follow This Advice, You Should Follow This Advice.

My awesome editor at gets the credit for this headline but the tips are all mine. Not a Bunch of Hooey: Stress-Management Techniques for Lawyers (link to full article and PDF). Check out these practical and effective stress management tips that can improve your health (and productivity) in as little as one minute/day. Lawyers, and anyone stressed and stuck at a desk, can benefit from this scientifically proven advice. 

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De-stressing After a Hectic Holiday Season

De-stressing After a Hectic Holiday Season

Adults young and old know the holiday season presents an exhausting array of physical and emotional demands that, for many, can bring about lingering stress and anxiety. If you’re still dealing with holiday-related stress and anxiety into the new year, it’s important to take steps to de-stress. Reducing stress after the holidays can help ensure your mind and body are in the right state to stay healthy and cultivate good habits for self care. Check out my interview with for tips on How to Relax and Unwind After the Holidays

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10 Simple Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress for Improved Fitness

10 Simple Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress for Improved Fitness

Thanks to today's fast-paced, technology-centric world coupled with sedentary lifestyles, we are bombarded constantly with low and high levels of mental, physical, emotional and physiological stress. These chronic stresses are inhibiting our bodies' natural self-repair mechanisms that fix broken proteins, kill cancer cells, retard aging and fight infections. We are the most overweight, under active generation in history existing on diets of processed foods and suffering from damaging mindsets. In this post I'll explore some practical, scientifically proven methods for reducing stress that can take as little as one minute/day. 

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Meal Delivery Recommendations: Fuel and Farm Hill

Meal Delivery Recommendations: Fuel and Farm Hill

Many of my clients and followers want to eat healthy and are trying to make changes to their diets to reduce body fat or gain muscle mass. While your exercise program is key to eliciting physical changes, your nutrition is equally as important. I cater to busy professionals and often they just don't have time to grocery shop and meal prep. They prefer to outsource cooking but want to make sure they are getting nutritious and tasty meals that fit their caloric and macronutrient needs. These are my two favorite meal deliver services that won't disappoint.

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How This Husband-To-Be Changed His Internal Dialogue to Get Fit

How This Husband-To-Be Changed His Internal Dialogue to Get Fit

Thanks to the loving encouragement of his fiancé, a passion for outdoor cycling and the occasional nudge from yours truly, my client Alejandro has made incredible strides on his bike, in the gym and in the kitchen this year. His efforts have not only improved his physique, but also improved his health, energy levels and mental outlook. In this post he discusses what changes he had to make to shift his mindset and what keeps him going when the snooze button beacons or the hills get steep. 

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Ultimate Guide to Ergonomic Workstations

Ultimate Guide to Ergonomic Workstations

If you work in an office like most humans these days, you probably spend a large portion of your day at a desk. This means you can be sitting for hours and hours throughout the day which can be uncomfortable if you don't have the right computer chair or posture. I was pleased to contribute to this Ultimate Guide to Ergonomic Workstations along with 14 other health and fitness pros to explain the best tools for your office and the best ways to maintain great posture throughout your day. Get all 15 tips here

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Why Your Devices May Be Ruining Your Health (and What To Do About It)

Why Your Devices May Be Ruining Your Health (and What To Do About It)

As a personal trainer in the heart of San Francisco's financial district, I've worked with hundreds of stressed out, A-type technology junkies (and I love them all!). Every day I see firsthand the negative impact computers, cell phones and other devices is having on our mental and physical health. Whether you are reading a scathing email from your boss or scrolling through funny cat videos on Facebook, the impact on the body and central nervous system can be damaging.  But there are some simple inventions/lifestyle adjustments you can do to help mitigate these effects without going completely off grid.

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5 Signs That Fitness Tracking Has Become Bad For Your Health

5 Signs That Fitness Tracking Has Become Bad For Your Health

Wearables and fitness trackers can provide the motivation and accountability many people need to become less sedentary and lose excess weight. But for those prone to obsessive thoughts and behaviors, the same tools can turn dangerous. How do you know if you've crossed the line? Checkout my interview in Prevention Magazine for signs that you may be taking your pedometer checking, calorie counting, and other health tracking too far.

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The Power of Inspiration: How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Fitness Goals

The Power of Inspiration: How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Fitness Goals

You can have all the strategies in the world to reach your health and fitness goals, but without two key elements, attaining those goals will be difficult, if not impossible. The missing pieces of the puzzle? Inspiration and motivation. Thanks to the amazing Karen Asp for including me in this excellent piece for Delicious Living. Please read the full article article here. 

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Better Posture in the Workplace

Better Posture in the Workplace

The folks at Bowflex Insider asked me and Carrie Schmitz, Senior Manager of Human Factors & Ergonomics Research at standing-desk manufacturer Ergotron, to explain the impact your workplace posture can have on your health. Curious how to set up your workstation? Checkout this short piece including a handy infographic. 

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Eat Like The Health Snob: Pistachio Matcha Vitality Bites, Curry Salmon Rice Bowl and Breakfast Tacos

Eat Like The Health Snob: Pistachio Matcha Vitality Bites, Curry Salmon Rice Bowl and Breakfast Tacos

I've known the beautiful and talented Diana Cardenas for years as the chicest member of the Equinox early morning crew. It takes a special kind of dedication to get up and train at 5am and to do so with a positive attitude of gratitude. Balancing a career in fashion, a fitness regime and a personal life can be challenging. So when I stumbled upon her food blog The Health Snob I was truly impressed. Her recipes are healthy, practical and mouthwatering. She was kind enough to share some of her favorites with me and some wisdom from her personal journey. Check out our interview and be sure to follow @thehealthsnob on Instagram. 

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When Firm Life Makes Them Flabby, Lawyers Call This Trainer

When Firm Life Makes Them Flabby, Lawyers Call This Trainer

Lawyers face unusually long hours and high amounts of stress in their work. Hours on end sitting and typing, anxiety inducing deadlines and little time for proper meals and adequate rest can leave many of them wondering why they chose the law for a profession. I work with A LOT of lawyers. And my clients will tell you, it doesn't have to be this way. With a practical and efficient fitness program (and the right coach) even the busiest attorney can achieve balance and health without sacrificing his/her career. In fact, my clients say they're actually better lawyers because of it. For more details, check out my interview with Leigh Jones from When Firm Life Makes Them Flabby, Lawyers Call This Trainer.

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Ditch the Diets and Focus on These 12 Strategies for Better Nutrition

Ditch the Diets and Focus on These 12 Strategies for Better Nutrition

Whether your goal is to lose body fat, increase muscle mass or just to be healthy and live a long life, ditch the crazy crash diets and focus on longterm behaviors that deliver sustainable results. Easier said than done, I know. The supplement, publishing and media industries have flooded our brains with so much conflicting information and misleading imagery that most of us have no clue what to believe or where to begin. Enter these 12 fundamental strategies for eating healthier and making better choices from Equinox. 

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Somato-what? What You Should Know About Your Genetic Body Type

Somato-what? What You Should Know About Your Genetic Body Type

Science classifies our bodies into genetic categories. Naturally we fall into one (or a combination) of these three “somatotypes” based on body structure, muscle and fat storage and distribution: Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph: Knowing your natural body type can help guide you toward the right exercise and nutrition plan to help you naturally become more healthy and fit. 

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Simple, Delicious Salmon in 20 Minutes

Simple, Delicious Salmon in 20 Minutes

When people see me pull homemade salmon with jasmine rice and stir fried vegetables out of my lululemon lunch bag in the middle of a busy weekday they think 1. I must be fancy AF and/or 2. I must spend hours each night meal-prepping instead of binge watching Broad City. Neither are true. Here is a simple and awesome game plan for prepping up to four salmon fillets in about 20 minutes and bonus, it won't stink up your house. 

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These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

Work-life balance is a big challenge for a lot of folks and can be a huge obstacle to health and fitness goals. Check out this article from, These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs. It includes interviews of successful professionals in industries known for insane hours and find out how they manage to maintain a personal life amidst the intensity of their careers. Included was my awesome client Tom, the office managing partner of law firm Nixon Peabody’s San Francisco office. 

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Try This Instead of That... "Homemade" Burrito Bowl vs. Chipotle

Try This Instead of That... "Homemade" Burrito Bowl vs. Chipotle

I didn't set out to dis Chipotle with this post. I have tons of family, friends and clients who love Chipotle. And yes, I agree, it's a "better" option than a lot of fast food places. But the calories, carbs, saturated fat and sodium can quickly add up at Chipotle even when you customize your own burrito bowl there. So I offer you this "homemade" alternative which takes less than five minutes from start to finish to throw together (including the two minutes it takes to microwave) and has fewer calories, less fat, fewer carbs, WAY less sodium and more protein than Chipotle.

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Get an Insider's Look at Caroline Jordan's New Book "Balanced Body Breakthrough"

Get an Insider's Look at Caroline Jordan's New Book "Balanced Body Breakthrough"

I was lucky enough to snag a few minutes with the lovely and talented Caroline Jordan of Caroline Jordan Fitness just weeks before her first book, Balanced Body Breakthrough, hits the streets on October 18! Checkout our video and podcast here for a sneak peak at what's inside and be sure to get your copy at one of these retailers: InksharesAmazon or Barnes and Noble.

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