5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Your Wellbeing

5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Your Wellbeing

Thanks to Dr. Seeds and the folks at Authority Magazine for featuring my story about how I transitioned from a corporate consultant to a fitness professional and my advice for lifestyle tweaks that can positively change your wellness. Spoiler alert, this includes a shout out to my mentor Marcia Robles and a declaration of love to Madonna. Read the full interview.

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Ranking Exercises by How Useful — or Dangerous — They Are

Ranking Exercises by How Useful — or Dangerous — They Are

Over the past 20 years, almost one million Americans were treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to weight training. I was asked by my friends at MEL Magazine "which exercises will get me ripped, and which will literally rip my body apart?" Nowadays just about anybody can toss on a microphone and lead a group fitness class. And Instagram is crawling with “trainers” telling folks what they should be doing in the gym. It can be hard to tell what’s based on facts and science and what’s bunk. So here's a ranking and explanation of an assortment of exercises by how beneficial they are — from muscle-building to (literally) back-breaking.

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New 6-Week RunFit Boot Camp Starting in February

New 6-Week RunFit Boot Camp Starting in February

Want to amp up your cardio and endurance fitness in 2020? Join me in my new 6-week RunFit Boot Camp! Classes will consist of a mix of speed work, hills, tempo and endurance running both indoor and outdoor, as well as strength circuits designed to improve your mobility and strengthen your core, back and glutes. Perfect for all levels and experience, this scalable 18-class program is open to Bay Club members as well as non-members.

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Five Simple Stretches Every Desk Worker Should Do

Five Simple Stretches Every Desk Worker Should Do

For this post I’ve enlisted the help of one of San Francisco’s most talented and credentialed chiropractors, soft tissue specialists and athletes—Dr. Nick Cruze. Chronic sitting, typing on devices and stress leads to shoulder, back and hip pain (not to mention unwanted body fat and other health issues). While I recognize it’s not always possible to abandon the office or laptop to hit a yoga class or to go for a walk, it IS possible to spend a minute or two several times a day to stretch and give those tight, shortened muscles some relief before they turn into serious issues. In this video Dr. Cruze shares five stretches he most often recommends to desk-bound patients to safely provide relief. 

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Follow JJ on Spotify for 100+ Workout Playlists

Follow JJ on Spotify for 100+ Workout Playlists

Part of my job as a group fitness instructor is to curate motivating playlists for my students. A good song can make all the difference between “f-ck it” and “f-ck yeah”. Over the years I’ve created and archived over 100 playlists from my Equinox Body Challenge, Pure Strength, Metcon and Ropes and Rowers classes. So if you’re looking for some inspiration for your next cardio or lifting session I’ve got over 80 hours of killer music for you. Check me out on Spotify.

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Consider Offset Training for Core, Stability and Athleticism

Consider Offset Training for Core, Stability and Athleticism

“Offset training” when you perform a complex exercise carrying weight on just one side of your body can be a great way to challenge your core, build stability and improve athleticism. Bracing your core, locking in your shoulders and maintain tension are key for successfully performing any offset exercise. In this post I share three videos of my favorite offset exercises which, depending on your goals and baseline fitness, are perfect as a primary exercise, warm up or finisher.

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SF’s Dynamic Duo: Chiropractors and So Much More!

SF’s Dynamic Duo: Chiropractors and So Much More!

I get asked all the time by clients, gym members and colleagues who I trust for care when I’m in pain or injured. Dr. Brad Bailey and Dr. Nick Cruze at SF Premier Chiropractic are hands-down my go-to guys for keeping my body in great working order. They have successfully helped dozens of my clients recover from injuries, reduce pain and improve posture. Literally every person I have sent them has improved and raves about the quality of care. They are the real deal and I’m so proud to have them as JJFit partners. And I’m grateful that Dr. Cruze took a few minutes to be interviewed here for those curious about their practice. 

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Should I Shower and Apply Deodorant Before Going to the Gym?

Should I Shower and Apply Deodorant Before Going to the Gym?

Etiquette aside, some evidence suggests that a hot shower before exercising can increase your body temperature, encouraging blood flow and loosening any tense muscles, which should theoretically result in an easier workout. Unfortunately, though, since your body temperature will be higher to begin with, the chances of you burning out earlier in your workout are also higher. On the flip side, studies indicate that taking a quick cold shower, particularly before some cardio, can help the body withstand prolonged exercise at higher intensity levels, since the cold temperature lowers your heart rate, leaving both your muscles and heart with more room to keep on pumping during a workout before they inevitably overheat. For more on this “heated” topic, checkout my interview on the DSC Blog.

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3 Next-Level Moves: Time Under Tension, Eccentrics and Planes of Motion

3 Next-Level Moves: Time Under Tension, Eccentrics and Planes of Motion

Hitting the gym hard but not seeing the results you want? You might assume it’s time to add heavier weights to your bar or increase the amount of time you spend at each session — but that’s not necessarily the case. Check out my interview in Oxygen Magazine by Jill Schildhouse to learn how to implement three of my most effective training variables: time under tension, eccentrics and plane of motion training. And to see these moves demoed by my amazing client Sarah Henderson checkout this video library.

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What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?

What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?

I get this question a lot. I get it from clients. I get it from friends. I even get it from the coolest fit-tech companies in the world! And it's a GREAT question. How we fuel our bodies affects our performance in the gym, our recovery (and results) from a workout and even the microscopic cells that make us what we are. Food is important. If what you're doing is working for you and you just want to maintain, cool. Keep doing what you're doing. But if you want to change consider changing you're pre- and post-workout nutrition first.

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Your Motion to Move (in Three Planes) Is Granted

Your Motion to Move (in Three Planes) Is Granted

Busy professionals spend the bulk of their days sitting at their desks, in meetings, on planes or in cars. Even the most disciplined can struggle finding enough time to stretch, do cardio and lift weights—all of which we know improve mobility, reduce pain and improve brain performance, not to mention improve the way we look and feel. When they do find time to move, they often don’t realize their exercises are keeping them exclusively in one “plane of motion.” Most of us need more planes of motion training in our workouts. But what does that mean? Read on in my latest Fit Counselor column for Law.com.

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7 Scenarios When Not Working Out Is the Healthier Choice

7 Scenarios When Not Working Out Is the Healthier Choice

My clients tend to be super successful, Type A, driven professionals who demand a lot from themselves (and the world around them). This can be a really positive trait and an attitude that helps people get the results they want from their workouts. But sometimes, especially with the stress of our 24/7, always online culture, this can be dialed up too high and they push too hard. I recommend listening to your body. If you ignore your body, it will only scream louder. So what does that look like? Start with this MyFitnessPal Blog post with comments from me and other trainers where we explore seven situations when the best thing for your health really is to stay away from the gym. (And it’s not just when you’re sick.)

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How Intention, Data and a Few Barbells Can Change Your Body and Mind

How Intention, Data and a Few Barbells Can Change Your Body and Mind

It’s very hard in this busy, tech-driven world to find time for fitness. And not everyone sees the value in building a strong foundation by addressing mobility, posture and core strength needs before tackling larger goals like Olympic lifting and endurance running. But my client Julian has done things the right way. Over the years he has diligently done the work. Integrating resistance training, mobility work, massage and LOTS of data points, he has achieved his body comp goal of getting lean (hello, abs!) and his posture is on point. His running has improved. He is now safely starting to Olympic lift. As a trainer, I’m gushing over his success.

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How to Eat (and Exercise) to Get Six-Pack Abs

How to Eat (and Exercise) to Get Six-Pack Abs

I'm always honored when media outlets like US News & World Report come to me for advice. While I tend to care more about a client’s health, mobility and performance over "getting ripped abs" there is NOTHING wrong with having aesthetic goals. And getting lean and seeing your abs pop is a common one (for me too!). So check out this article for my #1 nutritional advice for getting abs and for tips from other top fitness pros.

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9 Useful Gym Machines

9 Useful Gym Machines

US News & World Report asked me and several other top fitness pros which machines in the gym are best for women. Note, these machines are great for both genders. Women belong on the bench press just as much as men. And men could benefit from traditional "female" exercises like pilates, barre and glute kick backs. Many folks, male and female, aren’t comfortable lifting free weights and barbells, but they still need to tackle resistance and cardio training in their workouts. Here are nine user-friendly gym machines anyone can use to get in shape. And for a tutorial on how to row with great form check out this post with pal Lauren Barkan.

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How Can I Get More Protein?

How Can I Get More Protein?

After reading my Guide to Eating Clean and Getting Lean and determining their caloric and macronutrient needs most of my clients' first realizations is that they need to get more protein. Whether you are "eating to your macros" or not, most of us could benefit from getting more high quality protein into our diets so I've compiled a list of my favorites that include lean meat; eggs; dairy; beans, legumes and nuts; veggies, grains and supplements that are high in protein. 

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JJFit and Garmin Coach Help You Get Race Ready

JJFit and Garmin Coach Help You Get Race Ready

I was thrilled and honored to be asked by the folks at Garmin to contribute some of my best tips for getting race ready for a 5k, 10k and half marathon to the kick *ss Garmin Coach app. Garmin Coach has everything you need to safely train for a big event including helpful articles with advice from yours truly! If you’re considering a race in the coming weeks or months check out these resources: Helping Your Body Handle Long Distances and Your Race Nutrition Plan. And give Garmin Coach a try!

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