Fit Pros to Watch: Q&A with Brandon Kolar

Fit Pros to Watch: Q&A with Brandon Kolar

Clients and friends often ask me who inspires me in the fitness word. Who do I look to for inspiration, innovation and perspiration? I stumbled upon Brandon Kolar's IG last year and his is one of the few accounts I follow religiously. He knows his stuff and his latest project, 365 Days of Exercises, gives so much to the community that I had interview him for Simply put, he's someone to watch and follow!

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5 Common Workout Excuses Keeping You Out of the Gym—and How to Beat Them

5 Common Workout Excuses Keeping You Out of the Gym—and How to Beat Them

The toughest part about committing to—and sticking with—an exercise program is getting your mind to go along with it. Learn how to jump over five mental hurdles and confront common excuses that could derail your best intentions. Check out my interview in Real Simple for tips from me and other coaches.

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Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Every so often I’ll stumble across a media article saying “calorie counting” doesn’t work. Complaints that it’s too restrictive, too big a hassle and doesn’t align with the latest in nutrition science are the biggest arguments made against this age-old method. But when we dig into the details, most of these stories don’t actually discourage “food tracking”; they discourage extreme caloric deficits, diets lacking in quality and obsessive behaviors around food. I also discourage these dangerous practices, but I maintain  (as do many nutritionists and experts) that “food tracking” can be a very effective tool for weight loss. Recently, my partner Peter lost over 20# through food tracking and he feels better than he has in a long time. I asked him to share his experience and to give those struggling some tips based on what’s worked for him in this Q&A.

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How to Lift Your Way to a Bigger, Smarter Brain

How to Lift Your Way to a Bigger, Smarter Brain

Conventional wisdom — and that weird librarian from middle school — say reading books is the best way to become smarter. But new research shows that pumping iron can also bring about significant cognitive gains, and the more you exercise, the smarter you become. Check out my interview in MEL to learn how to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) for increased neuronal plasticity through a mix of HIIT and long duration training. Gotta get those brains, bro!

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SF's Top Style Gurus Talk Gym Fashion and Shopping Tips

SF's Top Style Gurus Talk Gym Fashion and Shopping Tips

Sometimes a workout can feel more like a fashion show and if you live in the Bay Area a nice dinner out can look more like a SoulCycle class. Fashion and fitness are becoming increasingly intertwined as luxury athletic wear and “fit fashion” are dominating not just the gym but also the streets, our favorite restaurants, airplanes and even the office. I asked three of the San Francisco’s most fashionable style gurus their thoughts on this growing trend, their “go to” gym styles and how those of us on a budget can look current and appropriate without breaking the break.  

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Regular massage-therapy sessions can help improve health, reduce stress

Regular massage-therapy sessions can help improve health, reduce stress

Thinking about booking a massage appointment to alleviate some stress? It’s a great idea, one you might want to incorporate into your regular routine. Though most of us view a massage as a sporadic luxury, perhaps something we get around to doing once or twice a year, regular massage therapy has multiple boosts for mental and physical health. Checkout my interview in In Good Health from Tribune Online Content to learn more. And if you're ready to book a massage checkout my rates and schedule here.

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Dealing with a Life-Changing Injury? Read How This Dancer Got Creative... and Some Stickers.

Dealing with a Life-Changing Injury? Read How This Dancer Got Creative... and Some Stickers.

I met Alycia shortly after she received some life changing MRI results that impacted her fitness routine and super active lifestyle. This dancer and lover of movement and yoga wouldn’t let a little thing like the deterioration of cartilage in her first phalange (aka a “bum big toe”) rob her of her joy. Over the last several weeks we’ve worked together to create a robust strength, mobility, cardio and nutrition program for her that adjusts her exercises to account for her injury and strengthen around it.

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CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

Many lawyers know they should be taking better care of themselves but don’t have enough time and aren’t sure where to start. Lawyers struggle with long hours spent in client meetings, in court, at computers, and hunched over mobile devices. This all takes a painful toll on their bodies. Checkout my guest post on the CEB Blog for some of my most impactful, realistic tips, which have helped hundreds of lawyers make small, manageable changes to improve their health. And you can experience my wellness advice to lawyers in CEB’s program Attorney Wellness, available On Demand.

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Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Many of us could benefit from more "planes of motion" training in our workouts. In a nutshell, the body is designed to move in three planes of motion: sagittal (like in a squat or bicep curl), frontal (like in a lateral lunge or side cable raise) and transverse (like in a "curtsy" lunge or a bicycle crunch). Most of us live almost exclusively in the sagittal plane limiting our functional mobility, strength and performance. Read more about the importance of planes of motion. in addition to standard sagittal exercises (which are still great) consider layering in more frontal and traverse moves to your program for your lower body, upper body and core.

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Podcast: ‘Treat Yourself Like a Client’ … and Other Stress-Free Fitness Tips

Podcast: ‘Treat Yourself Like a Client’ … and Other Stress-Free Fitness Tips

Tired of New Year’s resolutions that fade away come February? Check out my podcast with the editors of where I offer my best strategies for balancing work and fitness. It’s a good listen for any busy professional, not just lawyers.

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JJFit in the News: Workout Programs vs. One-Off Routines: Which Is Best for You? (Openfit)

JJFit in the News: Workout Programs vs. One-Off Routines: Which Is Best for You? (Openfit)

Focusing on your health and fitness is an investment in your time, energy and money. And just like buying organic produce or wearing proper running shoes, it may be a worthwhile investment to get a professionally-designed workout program from a trained professional (like yours truly). But is it absolutely necessary? Especially when the internet is overflowing with free workouts from people who, if their defined abs are any indication, seem to know what they’re doing? Check out my interview for for tips to decide what’s right for you.

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Meditation 101

Meditation 101

Many of us know we should probably meditate more to help reduce stress, improve brain functioning and even to reduce pain. But like lots of good intentions we forget, get frustrated or just flat out don’t know where to start. Here’s a little secret: you can meditate for as little as two minutes a day and you don’t have to do it perfectly. In this post I share the highlights from one of my most popular corporate wellness workshops: Meditation 101. With an open mind, patience and consistency anyone can begin to benefit from this mindfulness practice.

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JJFit/CEB Attorney Wellness Webinar Jan 24 for 1 Hour MCLE Credit

JJFit/CEB Attorney Wellness Webinar Jan 24 for 1 Hour MCLE Credit

To maintain competence, it is crucial for attorneys to identify, manage, and reduce stress in a healthy manner. This JJFit/CEB webinar will examine the effects that chronic stress can have on your law practice, your health, and your life, and discuss ten simple and practical approaches to help deal with that stress. January 24, 11:30am to 12:30pm. 1 Hour MCLE Credit. Register with CEB here.

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JJFit in the News: How to Clean Up 8 Notorious Gym Moves (Oxygen Magazine)

JJFit in the News: How to Clean Up 8 Notorious Gym Moves (Oxygen Magazine)

When you arrive at the gym, there’s probably a lot on your mind — from stress over neglected emails to excitement about weekend plans. While you certainly get bonus points just for showing up, if you’re working out while distracted or haven’t been trained on proper movements, your workout could lead to unintended consequences. Based on years of observations, I've identified the main moves people execute incorrectly time and again — and provided instruction on how to perform them properly. Thanks to my amazing friend and writer Jill Schildhouse for including my tips in this article and to my beautiful clients Erica and Sarah for demoing good form.

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JJFit in the News: 5 Workout Strategies for Trans Women (US News & World Report)

JJFit in the News: 5 Workout Strategies for Trans Women (US News & World Report)

Fitness can help empower folks who feel disconnected, hopeless and unhappy with their bodies. I work with clients who feel this way for a variety of reasons. Most common is being overweight or injured and feeling weak as a result. It's my passion to help them safely use exercise to make changes to their lifestyles and bodies to begin to love themselves. It's an amazing process. And I've been lucky to work with a hand full of gender transitioning men and women over the years and it's been a rewarding and beautiful experience. So I was stoked to be included in this important discussion in U.S. News & World Report.

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Crush Your 10K Goals with this 8-Week Training Program

Crush Your 10K Goals with this 8-Week Training Program

After weeks and weeks in the recording studio I’m STOKED to announce that my 8-week 10K training program is now available for free on the ClassPassGo app. Perfect for all levels, this audio training program includes three steadily progressive classes each week that will safely and effectively improve your speed, endurance and strength so you can crush it on race day. In addition to programming and instruction you’ll get plenty of form tips to make sure your strike and stride are on point, nutrition advice so you are properly fueling your body pre-/post- class and tips to prepare before the big race and how to recover after. Check it on the app.

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