5 Ways to Fit Fitness Into a Busy Schedule

5 Ways to Fit Fitness Into a Busy Schedule

How many hours do you dedicate to exercise each week? Well, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults participate in moderate-intensity physical activities for 150 minutes per week or in high-intensity exercises for 75 minutes every week. Moreover, you should also be doing muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. There are a lot of strategies that can be employed so that busy professionals can incorporate a few minutes of exercise into their schedules. And here are a few of them.

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JJ’s Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins

JJ’s Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins

I've been obsessed with my Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins for years. I make them every Sunday and have two every day as a post workout treat. This week catastrophe happened. I ran out of blueberries and was too lazy to go to the store. But I did have apples so I figured, why not?! The result was a delicious reinvention of my favorite recipe. I call them JJ’s Basic B*tch Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins. Give them a shot and I hope you enjoy!

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JJFit in the News: What To Do If Your Dog Is Stronger Than You

JJFit in the News: What To Do If Your Dog Is Stronger Than You

My pal Ian at MEL Magazine came to me with a common problem. As he puts it, "My dog’s interpretation of a 'walk' is more like an opportunity to amputate my arm, and I can’t say he hasn’t come close to succeeding." Yep, his dog is stronger than him (and probably a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, too). If you can relate, give his latest post a read with expert advice on how to walk a dog that’s stronger than you, including my #1 strength training move to help you get the upper hand (which I call the “Auggie row” named after my favorite pup.

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Client Spotlight: Kimberly Su and Her "Virtual Fitness" Journey

Client Spotlight: Kimberly Su and Her "Virtual Fitness" Journey

When I met Kimberly in February 2020 for a quick chat to discuss training together I was super excited. She wanted to build a strength training program to help her recover from a hip injury and to get her feeling strong and balanced in her body. She was everything I look for in a client: ready, willing and energetic. And then COVID hit.

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JJFit in the News: How to Safely Do Pull Ups at Home

JJFit in the News: How to Safely Do Pull Ups at Home

The doorway pull-up bar is a classic piece of at-home exercise equipment. It checks all the boxes: Cheap. Detachable. Easy to stash in the closet when you realize exercise really, really sucks. But despite its convenience, the doorway pull-up bar does have one foible: It can demolish your doorway, especially if you weigh more than a penny. The good news is, there are a couple simple ways to prevent doorway damage, and doorway pull-up bar alternatives for you extra heavy kings. Here are some things to keep in mind from my pals at MEL Magazine.

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Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

I've really missed training for and experiencing races during the pandemic. And some of my clients and friends have expressed similar feelings. So we're banding together in true 2021 form and planning a VIRTUAL 10K on Sunday, March 14 (eight weeks away in case you want to do a formal eight week training program). Will provide more info as we get closer but for now, comment on the IG thread if you want in and you’ll be included on the list!

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JJFit in the News: POPSUGAR: 9 Dumbbell Moves to Get Chiseled

JJFit in the News: POPSUGAR: 9 Dumbbell Moves to Get Chiseled

When the editors of POPSUGAR asked me to pick my favorite dumbbell exercise “to get chiseled muscles” I didn’t hesitate. The goblet squat is my go-to and while it’s considered a “legs” exercise it’s really a total body strength move. Learn more about how to goblet squat with perfect form and 8 other dumbbell exercises by watching the slideshow.

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In the News: How to Exercise Safely in the Dark

In the News: How to Exercise Safely in the Dark

Running or walking outside has been the only thing keeping a lot of us from punching drywall in quarantine, and now that it gets dark in the early afternoon, tensions are surging. But while it may be kinda spooky, you can safely exercise in the shadows if you take proper precautions. Here are some tips on how to exercise in the dark from me and my pal Ian from MEL Magazine.

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Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

I'm super proud of my client and friend Bradley Fenner who hasn't let 2020 stop him from reaching his fitness goals. This month Bradley, a 56-year old lawyer, successfully completed a Dipsea "Quad Quad". That means this avid runner managed to traverse the iconic 7.1-mile Dipsea Trail between Mill Valley and Stinson Beach 16 times for a total of 113.2 miles (and nearly 37,000 feet) in just under 34 hours. Let that sink in and read all about Bradley’s journey.

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In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

If you’re looking to trim down, figuring out the secret sauce for saving muscle while losing fat can feel pretty overwhelming. For the best science-based, medically reviewed advice from me and other leading experts give this Greatist article a look and let me know if you have any questions.

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In the News: 15 Expert-Approved Hacks to Maintain a Walking Habit

In the News: 15 Expert-Approved Hacks to Maintain a Walking Habit

The body is designed to move and a daily walking habit is well-worth keeping up with for its physical and mental health benefits. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, getting out the door for a walk can feel next to impossible. To increase motivation when you’re not feeling it, try shifting your mindset with these strategies from me and 14 other fitness pros in this MyFitnessPal blog post.

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In the News: The Best Foam Rolling Exercises You Need for a Full-Body Release

In the News: The Best Foam Rolling Exercises You Need for a Full-Body Release

I've been getting a lot of questions and requests for my best recommendations for foam rolling, stretching and mobility. As a trainer and a massage therapist I love helping clients and students with the best strategies for taking care of their fascia and muscles. Check out my collaboration with LiveStrong for the best foam rolling techniques for the whole body.

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In the News: 6 Foam Rolling Mistakes

In the News: 6 Foam Rolling Mistakes

Foam rolling is a great way to take care of tight tissues and to mobilize your joints. But there are some things to avoid. Check out my latest collaborating with LiveStrong for tips from me and other fitness pros. And check out all my LiveStrong interviews here.

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In the News: How to Build a Strong Back & Arms in the Gym or at Home

In the News: How to Build a Strong Back & Arms in the Gym or at Home

Check out my latest NewsUpNow.org segment for my five go-to moves for building a strong back and arms. Whether you want to improve your posture or build/tone your muscles these moves are the foundations.. All you need are two dumbbells and a resistance band to get started.

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