JJ’s Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins

JJ’s Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins

I've been obsessed with my Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins for years. I make them every Sunday and have two every day as a post workout treat. This week catastrophe happened. I ran out of blueberries and was too lazy to go to the store. But I did have apples so I figured, why not?! The result was a delicious reinvention of my favorite recipe. I call them JJ’s Basic B*tch Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins. Give them a shot and I hope you enjoy!

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In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

If you’re looking to trim down, figuring out the secret sauce for saving muscle while losing fat can feel pretty overwhelming. For the best science-based, medically reviewed advice from me and other leading experts give this Greatist article a look and let me know if you have any questions.

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Q&A with the Founder of Ariana’s Energy Bites

Q&A with the Founder of Ariana’s Energy Bites

I sat down with my friend, personal trainer and entrepreneur Ariana Parvin to learn about how her struggle with digestive issues and food allergies led her to create super tasty and healthy "energy bites" that are popping up in some of the Bay Area’s best markets and restaurants. Since launching in 2018 her bites have become a favorite energy snack for thousands of Bay Area peeps and it’s amazing watching her woman-owned business grow. Hear her story and find out where you can get some to fuel your body and tickle your taste buds!

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Can "Flexible Dieting" Make You a Healthier, Happier Human?

Can "Flexible Dieting" Make You a Healthier, Happier Human?

"Flexible dieting" isn't a diet; it's a nutritional concept where you have daily calorie and macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein and fat) targets and as long as those specific numbers are achieved, then food selection is left up to your personal preference. Sounds awful? What if I said you could eat pizza and drink wine and still lose unwanted body fat? Here's the skinny on how it works!

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5 Steps For Setting Successful Weight-Loss Goals

5 Steps For Setting Successful Weight-Loss Goals

There’s nothing like waking up to find you’ve been quoted as an expert on setting successful weight-loss goals on the MyFitnessPal Blog. I’m a huge fan of this app and the content on its blog is top notch. If you’re looking for smart, realistic tips for reaching your goals give this a read.

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Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND Explains How Naturopathic Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND Explains How Naturopathic Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Now more than ever it’s critical that we practice preventative care to boost our immune systems, manage stress and tend to our body’s needs. I’ve been curious for a long time about Naturopathic Medicine and how/if it integrates with traditional Western Medicine. Can Naturopathic modalities help reduce our chances of contracting COVID-19 or minimize its impact if we do contract it? I interviewed Dr. Ashton Perroni, ND to help shed some light on these questions and more.

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Thai Coconut Basmati Rice with Mango and Seared Scallops

Thai Coconut Basmati Rice with Mango and Seared Scallops

I’ve been in a bit of a meal prep rut lately. I rely on my go-to recipes for breakfast and lunch (smoothies, protein muffins, curry chicken salad—all the usual suspects) and Freshly for dinner. And they’re still awesome! But this week I had a craving for something different. Thankfully my meal prep guru partner Peter stumbled across this super tasty and easy recipe on EatingWell.com for Thai Coconut Basmati Rice with Mango Seared Scallops.

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Healthy Halloween Treats to Scratch That Sugar Itch

Healthy Halloween Treats to Scratch That Sugar Itch

We're constantly surrounded by sugary treats and temptations. And not just around Halloween! These days hidden sugar is lurking everywhere in the products we buy. In my post last week I shared the facts about sugar in our diet, how much is ok to eat and whether popular sugar substitutes are actually healthy. Just in time for Halloween here are a few of my favorite “healthier” treats. So if you need a sweet treat fix try this microwave chocolate mug cake (only 100 calories!) or this pumpkin mug cake. And these homemade peanut butter cups are fantastic (because remember, healthy fat can be good for you!). And finally, spruce up your fruit with these spooky ghost fruit kabobs.

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The Complicated Case Against Simple Sugar

The Complicated Case Against Simple Sugar

Before you throw the book at all sugars, let’s review a few facts. If you were around in the 80s and 90s you likely recall the low-fat diet craze (who didn’t kill an entire box of SnackWell’s pulling an all nighter in college?). Nutritional experts, government agencies and industry pointed the finger at fat as the culprit for our obesity epidemic and a slew of other health issues like diabetes and heart disease. Fast forward to today and we now know that fat is not the demon we once made it out to be and in fact fat is a necessary part of our diet that helps control hunger, absorb vital nutrients and help fight against disease. Having acquitted fat, sugar (most notably “processed” or “added” sugar) now sits in the witness stand and is taking the wrap for our health problems. So let’s review some hard facts about this fundamental molecule and our complicated, and sometimes emotional, relationship with it. 

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25 Nutrition Experts & Foodies Share Their Favorite Smoothie Recipes with Yogurt

25 Nutrition Experts & Foodies Share Their Favorite Smoothie Recipes with Yogurt

Yogurt is a good go-to healthy snack, but a yogurt smoothie is an extra-special, tasty treat that combines the creamy thickness of yogurt with a variety of other nutrient-packed, delicious ingredients, from fresh fruit to chocolate, honey, kale or spinach, and so much more. Check out my favorite recipe and recipes from 24 other fitness pros in this Edible Arrangements Blog post.

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Are Protein Shakes Good for Weight Loss?

Are Protein Shakes Good for Weight Loss?

Protein shakes seem like a convenient way to cut calories and lose weight, but are they really worth all the hype, especially when it comes to weight loss? As with most questions like this though, the answer depends. The folks from Eat This, Not That asked me and other health experts to weigh in with our best thinking when it comes to protein shakes.

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What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?

What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?

I get this question a lot. I get it from clients. I get it from friends. I even get it from the coolest fit-tech companies in the world! And it's a GREAT question. How we fuel our bodies affects our performance in the gym, our recovery (and results) from a workout and even the microscopic cells that make us what we are. Food is important. If what you're doing is working for you and you just want to maintain, cool. Keep doing what you're doing. But if you want to change consider changing you're pre- and post-workout nutrition first.

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How to Eat (and Exercise) to Get Six-Pack Abs

How to Eat (and Exercise) to Get Six-Pack Abs

I'm always honored when media outlets like US News & World Report come to me for advice. While I tend to care more about a client’s health, mobility and performance over "getting ripped abs" there is NOTHING wrong with having aesthetic goals. And getting lean and seeing your abs pop is a common one (for me too!). So check out this article for my #1 nutritional advice for getting abs and for tips from other top fitness pros.

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How Can I Get More Protein?

How Can I Get More Protein?

After reading my Guide to Eating Clean and Getting Lean and determining their caloric and macronutrient needs most of my clients' first realizations is that they need to get more protein. Whether you are "eating to your macros" or not, most of us could benefit from getting more high quality protein into our diets so I've compiled a list of my favorites that include lean meat; eggs; dairy; beans, legumes and nuts; veggies, grains and supplements that are high in protein. 

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"Good" Fats, "Bad" Fats and Every Fat In Between

"Good" Fats, "Bad" Fats and Every Fat In Between

Anyone who lived through the 80s and 90s was hit with a barrage of messages from the government, nutrition “experts” and big consumer brands that dietary fat was the devil. We pointed the finger at fat as the cause of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other nasty health issues. And thus began the rise of the low fat diet craze (SnackWells, SlimFast and Baked Lay’s--Oh my!). Current research confirms that “healthy fats” are actually quite necessary and beneficial for health. But certain “bad fats” should continue to be avoided. And to make it a little more confusing some fats fall in the “middle” and need to be eaten in moderation. So let’s clear things up.

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Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Every so often I’ll stumble across a media article saying “calorie counting” doesn’t work. Complaints that it’s too restrictive, too big a hassle and doesn’t align with the latest in nutrition science are the biggest arguments made against this age-old method. But when we dig into the details, most of these stories don’t actually discourage “food tracking”; they discourage extreme caloric deficits, diets lacking in quality and obsessive behaviors around food. I also discourage these dangerous practices, but I maintain  (as do many nutritionists and experts) that “food tracking” can be a very effective tool for weight loss. Recently, my partner Peter lost over 20# through food tracking and he feels better than he has in a long time. I asked him to share his experience and to give those struggling some tips based on what’s worked for him in this Q&A.

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CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

Many lawyers know they should be taking better care of themselves but don’t have enough time and aren’t sure where to start. Lawyers struggle with long hours spent in client meetings, in court, at computers, and hunched over mobile devices. This all takes a painful toll on their bodies. Checkout my guest post on the CEB Blog for some of my most impactful, realistic tips, which have helped hundreds of lawyers make small, manageable changes to improve their health. And you can experience my wellness advice to lawyers in CEB’s program Attorney Wellness, available On Demand.

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