Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

I've really missed training for and experiencing races during the pandemic. And some of my clients and friends have expressed similar feelings. So we're banding together in true 2021 form and planning a VIRTUAL 10K on Sunday, March 14 (eight weeks away in case you want to do a formal eight week training program). Will provide more info as we get closer but for now, comment on the IG thread if you want in and you’ll be included on the list!

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In the News: How to Exercise Safely in the Dark

In the News: How to Exercise Safely in the Dark

Running or walking outside has been the only thing keeping a lot of us from punching drywall in quarantine, and now that it gets dark in the early afternoon, tensions are surging. But while it may be kinda spooky, you can safely exercise in the shadows if you take proper precautions. Here are some tips on how to exercise in the dark from me and my pal Ian from MEL Magazine.

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Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

I'm super proud of my client and friend Bradley Fenner who hasn't let 2020 stop him from reaching his fitness goals. This month Bradley, a 56-year old lawyer, successfully completed a Dipsea "Quad Quad". That means this avid runner managed to traverse the iconic 7.1-mile Dipsea Trail between Mill Valley and Stinson Beach 16 times for a total of 113.2 miles (and nearly 37,000 feet) in just under 34 hours. Let that sink in and read all about Bradley’s journey.

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In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

In the News: Understanding Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

If you’re looking to trim down, figuring out the secret sauce for saving muscle while losing fat can feel pretty overwhelming. For the best science-based, medically reviewed advice from me and other leading experts give this Greatist article a look and let me know if you have any questions.

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In the News: 15 Expert-Approved Hacks to Maintain a Walking Habit

In the News: 15 Expert-Approved Hacks to Maintain a Walking Habit

The body is designed to move and a daily walking habit is well-worth keeping up with for its physical and mental health benefits. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, getting out the door for a walk can feel next to impossible. To increase motivation when you’re not feeling it, try shifting your mindset with these strategies from me and 14 other fitness pros in this MyFitnessPal blog post.

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Got Music? Listen to Over 100 JJFit Spotify Playlists

Got Music? Listen to Over 100 JJFit Spotify Playlists

If you’ve taken any of my live classes at Equinox or my virtual classes this year and wished you could listen to the playlist again, I’ve got you covered! I have over 100 Spotify playlists archived by class and date. Never let the lack of good tunes slow you down! Enjoy them and please send me any songs you’d like me to include in future classes.

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Bay Club Outdoor Fitness Offers a Safe and Beautiful Option to Workout and Train

Bay Club Outdoor Fitness Offers a Safe and Beautiful Option to Workout and Train

I couldn’t be more proud of my Bay Club family for building literally the most amazing and unprecedented outdoor fitness facility in San Francisco. Working closely with government agencies and officials they’ve built a completely compliant and safe option for working out safely outside with views of Coit Tower, the Bay Bridge and the Transamerica Building. At Bay Club SF on Greenwich Street members and clients can book space on our beautiful 12,000 square foot rooftop to lift weights, do cardio and to stretch/practice yoga.

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So Your Gym's Closed? You Got This. 7 Ways to Move at Home.

So Your Gym's Closed? You Got This. 7 Ways to Move at Home.

Since sheltering in place and social distancing have become the new normal for the time-being, most of us are working more, moving even less and are definitely feeling more anxious. Though your routine may be shot, it’s not too late to create a new one. Just because your gym is closed doesn’t mean you can’t work out. Now’s the perfect time to get started. Not tomorrow. Today! When all this is over, you can look back and say you stepped outside your comfort zone and did something amazing for yourself.

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7 Awesome Kettlebell Alternatives You Already Have at Home

7 Awesome Kettlebell Alternatives You Already Have at Home

Thanks to their incredible combo of simplicity and versatility, kettlebells are a hugely popular home fitness item these days. But if you’ve gone shopping for them online recently, you may have noticed that the wonderfully handled weights are a little, umm, scarce. Perhaps even worse, some are being sold for the gouge-iest of prices — as much as $3,000 on Amazon for a product that won’t arrive until the end of next month, at the earliest. Check out this post from my pal Steve Mazzucchi at who interviewed me and other fitness pros across the country for the best DIY solutions and homemade hacks that can mimic kettlebells in a pinch.

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Total Body At Home "Milk Jug Workout" (from the Bay Club Blog)

Total Body At Home "Milk Jug Workout" (from the Bay Club Blog)

The Bay Club, were I proudly train clients, is delivering killer at home workout ideas, virtual classes, nutrition tips and loads of other wellness tips on the One Lombard Blog. I am honored to share this milk jug series with you! Be sure to follow @bayclubs on IG for more inspiration. Now’s the time to get creative and stay positive!

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JJ Launches Virtual Training for Existing and New Clients

JJ Launches Virtual Training for Existing and New Clients

With the new reality of sheltering in place for the foreseeable future many of my clients have inquired about virtual training. I’ve long offered FaceTime training to my clients to help keep them fit and sane while they travel or when they move outside the Bay Area. My clients Tom, Erica and Raquel (and their pups!) can attest that whether they are working out with me from their homes or from a hotel room we can still get a good workout in using whatever equipment and tools we have on hand. So I’m officially offering this service to all my existing and new clients. Keep reading to learn how it works.

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Workout with Me Anytime for Free with ClassPass Go

Workout with Me Anytime for Free with ClassPass Go

A lot of my students and clients have asked me how they can keep up their fitness while staying home. Here is one of my all time favorites. You can workout with me and some of my favorite trainer friends for FREE via the ClassPass Go app. These are audio workouts with visual references and music built in. There are yoga, running, strength, stretching, cardio and meditation classes for every level. Here are my picks from my library. Stay safe, stay fit! Just download the app in the App Store here.

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4 Differences in How Cardio and Strength Affect Your Health

4 Differences in How Cardio and Strength Affect Your Health

The fitness world loves the debate: cardio or strength training? Which workout is best, and which can you cut from your exercise routine? The reality is cardio and strength don't need to be mutually exclusive – nor should they be. Both forms of exercise offer unique benefits and work well together. I was honored to be quoted in this discussion in this U.S. News & World Report article.

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Ranking Exercises by How Useful — or Dangerous — They Are

Ranking Exercises by How Useful — or Dangerous — They Are

Over the past 20 years, almost one million Americans were treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to weight training. I was asked by my friends at MEL Magazine "which exercises will get me ripped, and which will literally rip my body apart?" Nowadays just about anybody can toss on a microphone and lead a group fitness class. And Instagram is crawling with “trainers” telling folks what they should be doing in the gym. It can be hard to tell what’s based on facts and science and what’s bunk. So here's a ranking and explanation of an assortment of exercises by how beneficial they are — from muscle-building to (literally) back-breaking.

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New 6-Week RunFit Boot Camp Starting in February

New 6-Week RunFit Boot Camp Starting in February

Want to amp up your cardio and endurance fitness in 2020? Join me in my new 6-week RunFit Boot Camp! Classes will consist of a mix of speed work, hills, tempo and endurance running both indoor and outdoor, as well as strength circuits designed to improve your mobility and strengthen your core, back and glutes. Perfect for all levels and experience, this scalable 18-class program is open to Bay Club members as well as non-members.

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Follow JJ on Spotify for 100+ Workout Playlists

Follow JJ on Spotify for 100+ Workout Playlists

Part of my job as a group fitness instructor is to curate motivating playlists for my students. A good song can make all the difference between “f-ck it” and “f-ck yeah”. Over the years I’ve created and archived over 100 playlists from my Equinox Body Challenge, Pure Strength, Metcon and Ropes and Rowers classes. So if you’re looking for some inspiration for your next cardio or lifting session I’ve got over 80 hours of killer music for you. Check me out on Spotify.

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9 Useful Gym Machines

9 Useful Gym Machines

US News & World Report asked me and several other top fitness pros which machines in the gym are best for women. Note, these machines are great for both genders. Women belong on the bench press just as much as men. And men could benefit from traditional "female" exercises like pilates, barre and glute kick backs. Many folks, male and female, aren’t comfortable lifting free weights and barbells, but they still need to tackle resistance and cardio training in their workouts. Here are nine user-friendly gym machines anyone can use to get in shape. And for a tutorial on how to row with great form check out this post with pal Lauren Barkan.

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JJFit and Garmin Coach Help You Get Race Ready

JJFit and Garmin Coach Help You Get Race Ready

I was thrilled and honored to be asked by the folks at Garmin to contribute some of my best tips for getting race ready for a 5k, 10k and half marathon to the kick *ss Garmin Coach app. Garmin Coach has everything you need to safely train for a big event including helpful articles with advice from yours truly! If you’re considering a race in the coming weeks or months check out these resources: Helping Your Body Handle Long Distances and Your Race Nutrition Plan. And give Garmin Coach a try!

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