Don't Skip These Key Warm Ups (They Only Take About 5 Minutes)

Don't Skip These Key Warm Ups (They Only Take About 5 Minutes)

If you're one of those people who struggles to find time to workout, much less time to warm up properly, I can relate. One of the biggest complaints I hear from clients, especially those who have gone through physical therapy to recover from an injury, is that their list of warm up exercises would take them 30-45+ minutes to finish and they just don't have the time to get them all done. So they skip their warm up alltogether even though they know it will likely lead to more pain and injury. So, if you are short on time and can only muster a few minutes to warm up before your run, bike ride or any other form of cardio, here are the most important things NOT to skip. 

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Welcome Sumner Weldon to SoulCycle NorCal

Welcome Sumner Weldon to SoulCycle NorCal

It's no secret that when I can snag 45m-60m away from the gym I love a good SoulCycle class. When I stumbled into Sumner Weldon's class recently I knew I hit gold. Her energy is awesome and her class is a solid workout. She includes some really awesome stretches and mobility drills after the weights section that no other instructors are doing and are MUCH needed for today's rider. So I was thrilled to connect with her after class to learn more about her.

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Join the Battle. Let's Beat Rare Cancers.

Join the Battle. Let's Beat Rare Cancers.

In February I'm riding for Cycle for Survival for the third year in a row to help end various rare cancers. Cancer affects us all and together we can make an impact. Please consider helping if you can. Even $1 helps and 100% goes to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Click here to donate. 

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How This Husband-To-Be Changed His Internal Dialogue to Get Fit

How This Husband-To-Be Changed His Internal Dialogue to Get Fit

Thanks to the loving encouragement of his fiancé, a passion for outdoor cycling and the occasional nudge from yours truly, my client Alejandro has made incredible strides on his bike, in the gym and in the kitchen this year. His efforts have not only improved his physique, but also improved his health, energy levels and mental outlook. In this post he discusses what changes he had to make to shift his mindset and what keeps him going when the snooze button beacons or the hills get steep. 

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What We Can Learn from Metabolic Testing

What We Can Learn from Metabolic Testing

I'm a big fan of knowing what's going on with my body. And if there are simple, affordable tests I can take that can give me useful, actionable data to improve my health and inform my fitness program I'm all for it. So I recently engaged a local office of DexaFit to obtain a Dexa Scan Body Composition Analysis, RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) Test, V02 Max Test and  Fit3D Posture Scan. In this post I outline what I learned from these tests and how I am applying that knowledge to optimize my fitness program. I've also included links to my full reports and photos from my experience to help you decide if similar testing makes sense for you.

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SF's Top Swim Coaches Share Their Tips for a Better Stroke

SF's Top Swim Coaches Share Their Tips for a Better Stroke

Swimming can be one of the safest and most effective forms of cardio. Whether you are trying to lean out or to get stronger, swimming is easy on the joints, scalable to your goals and an excellent way to connect your brain, breath and body. But it can be a big drag (literally) if your stroke or breath are off. Michael Bonella, Claire Love and Megan Nazareno are three of San Francisco's top swim coaches and personal trainers. I asked them "What is the most common issue you encounter with form and how do you help your clients through it?" 

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Are Slower Workouts the New Fitness Trend of 2017?

Are Slower Workouts the New Fitness Trend of 2017?

I'm not one to jump on every cockamamie fitness trend that crosses my Instagram. Quite the opposite; I base my training recommendations on science and experience. Everyone knows I'm a fan of high intensity workouts. They are excellent for time-strapped professionals with hefty goals and not a lot of time. But it's important to ensure you're not abandoning lower intensity, steady-state work. If your goals include losing body fat, managing stress hormones and injury/overtraining prevention then check out my interview with

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Don't Call It a Comeback: Moderate-Intensity Exercise Is Still Effective

Don't Call It a Comeback: Moderate-Intensity Exercise Is Still Effective

With all the hype and media attention given to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over the past few years, you’d think everyone was doing it—and maybe they are. If they’re not, they may not be doing anything, believing if they’re not killing themselves during a workout, they’re not really gaining any benefits. But here’s the thing: Recent studies show that moderate-intensity activity still has many benefits. Check out my interview in the August 2017 issue of American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified News for details on the latest research and tips for now to incorporate steady-state cardio back into your program. 

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5 Signs That Fitness Tracking Has Become Bad For Your Health

5 Signs That Fitness Tracking Has Become Bad For Your Health

Wearables and fitness trackers can provide the motivation and accountability many people need to become less sedentary and lose excess weight. But for those prone to obsessive thoughts and behaviors, the same tools can turn dangerous. How do you know if you've crossed the line? Checkout my interview in Prevention Magazine for signs that you may be taking your pedometer checking, calorie counting, and other health tracking too far.

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Research Review: Heart Rate Monitoring and How We Interact With Wearables

Research Review: Heart Rate Monitoring and How We Interact With Wearables

Last month Lisa Cadmus-Bertram, PhD and her research team at the University of Wisconsin published a study of wearable fitness trackers in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study looked at how four popular trackers compared with an electrocardiogram and against each other for heart rate monitoring accuracy. Interpretation of the results by news media so far has been cautiously optimistic. Here's CNN's and ABC's coverage. My pals at LA Radio Studio and the Phil Hulett and Friends Show invited me on the air last week to discuss the study and how it may change the way we interact with our wearables. 

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SF's Top Spin Gurus Share Form Fixes, Coaching Tips and Programming Recommendations

SF's Top Spin Gurus Share Form Fixes, Coaching Tips and Programming Recommendations

Whether you're an avid cyclist, an occasional spin class warrior or are considering your first ride there are four spin instructors in SF that you want to know: Andrew Stinger, Marcia Robles, Danny Baker and Caroline Jordan. These four "Spin Ninjas" have uniquely different styles and while different are all grounded in safety, effectiveness and kick ass energy. Each was was kind enough to share with me how to avoid the most common and dangerous form issues; how to overcome common mental challenges; and their take on how often someone "should" spin, intervals-vs-steady state and what to do in between rides. 

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What's the Deal with Fasted Cardio?

What's the Deal with Fasted Cardio?

Fasted cardio has become a popular practice among fitness folks looking to shed unwanted body fat. Research is fairly convincing that performing cardio in the morning before eating can, for some, help burn more body fat (up to 20%) and *may* help target fat loss in problem areas like the abdomen and thighs for those with already low body fat percentages. So should you try it? That depends. 

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HIIT It for 20 Minutes to Burn Fat, Improve Endurance and Strengthen Legs

HIIT It for 20 Minutes to Burn Fat, Improve Endurance and Strengthen Legs

This is the time of year when a lot of folks get the fitness f*ck its. End of year deliverables, travel plans, holiday parties and sugary (boozy!) treats everywhere can make us feel powerless over our schedules, diets and fitness goals. I get it. But rather than starting 2017 feeling bloated, fatigued and defeated consider trying one of my favorite efficient and effective high intensity interval running programs. Scrape together 20 minutes a few times per week to start burning body fat, improving your cardio endurance and building strength in your legs. 

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Rowing 101: 3 Quick Fixes for Perfect Form

Rowing 101: 3 Quick Fixes for Perfect Form

When done properly rowing is a metabolic, total body workout that strengthens a lot of areas the average desk-bound professional needs to work on. But if you find your lower back or neck aching during or after your sessions on the erg or if you just feel like your stroke needs help, checkout these simple fixes from my fellow Equinox Pine Street trainer and friend Lauren Barkan.

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Versa Climber: One of the Best and Least Used Assets in the Gym

Versa Climber: One of the Best and Least Used Assets in the Gym

I like to think of the Versa Climber as the Regina George of cardio equipment. She's fabulous but she's evil. Just ask my clients TrishDubJasonSarah or Tom. In all seriousness, the Versa Climber is one of the best and often most underused assets in the gym. It's an amazing tool for low impact, total body high intensity intervals that help burn fat, build strength and improve movement patterns. It's scalable to your fitness level, can be appropriate even for those with many common joint problems/injuries and is extremely efficient. So if the Versa Climber in your gym is collecting dust, give it a shot and get your quadruped swagger on

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