If This Busy Law Firm Partner and Husband Learned to Make His Health a Priority, You Can Too!

If This Busy Law Firm Partner and Husband Learned to Make His Health a Priority, You Can Too!

I started training Tom Gaynor about two years ago. And looking back at how far he’s come I can barely remember some of the challenges we used to face. If I squint my eyes and think back really hard I can vaguely remember a heavier guy with an inhaler in one hand and a Blackberry in another frequently complaining about how his back hurt. Now when I see Tom, I see a man with a body that moves pain free, is 25# lighter and has greater capacity lungs. And he still gets to enjoy the occasional steak frites and martini. Tom is the kind of client that inspires me with his genuine commitment to his health while still successfully managing a thriving law practice, clamoring clients and a family (husband - who I now also train - and dog, Louis) in Marin. If you don’t think small changes over time can really add up, then you have to read his story below.

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Meal Prep Got You Down? Try These Five Tasty Recipes Courtesy of Allison Tibbs Fitness

Meal Prep Got You Down? Try These Five Tasty Recipes Courtesy of Allison Tibbs Fitness

Allison Tibbs talks the talk and walks the walk. She is an inspiring coach, athlete, businesswoman and - getting to the point of today’s post - unparalleled food prep goddess. If you don’t follow her already, do so immediately. She was kind enough to let me “borrow” these five recipes I learned from her latest clean eating challenge. She is constantly sharing simple, delicious and healthy recipes and food prep strategies. Check her out online, on Instagram and on Facebook.  

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Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Bright-eyed, blond and beautiful on the inside and out. That describes Sarah Schulze. I can hardly believe that it’s been over two years since this amazing woman walked into my gym and into my life. We’ve trained consistently during that time and she’s become not only one of my strongest and most committed clients (she can deadlift, back squat, front squat and hip thrust like a champ and is building up her pull ups now!) but also my friend, my spin sister and my yoga buddy. Sarah embodies the fitness principle of balance. I love her story and her energy and I’m so glad she took the time to share it with us. 

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Fresh vs Frozen Fruits and Vegetables? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Fresh vs Frozen Fruits and Vegetables? Here’s What You Need to Know.

I’ve been asked by a lot of clients recently whether it’s “ok” to use frozen fruits and veggies in smoothies, for meal prep, as snacks, etc. or if they “must” always use fresh. In general, I recommend folks try and get in as many colors in their diet as possible and to pick fresh when available and in season and to go frozen when not. Priority is on variety, practicality and your own tastes. Thankfully, Mary Jane Brown, PhD, RD has put together this awesome article giving us the bottom line on the fresh vs frozen debate. Give it a read and crunch on! 

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Q&A: Jason Levy Tells Us Why Fitness Is One of the Best Investments of Time, Money and Energy He’s Ever Made

Q&A: Jason Levy Tells Us Why Fitness Is One of the Best Investments of Time, Money and Energy He’s Ever Made

I met Jason shortly after his 30th birthday (our first six weeks were a gift from his father). In the eight months since, the dude has worked hard, followed advice and focused on what’s important: long term health and balance. He has lost 26 pounds and 10% body fat, improved his energy, learned how to eat healthy and become strong. He has come to like big lifts like back squats, deadlifts and bench press (despite what he might tell you) and has improved his endurance for running, spinning and even the dreaded Versa Climber. Jason is one of those clients who inspires me, others in the gym, his family and even his officemates to be better. And he was kind enough to share some of his insights and experiences. 

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90s Video: How to Make the Perfect Smoothie

90s Video: How to Make the Perfect Smoothie

Whether for pre-workout or post-workout, breakfast or dinner or just as a quick pick me up, smoothies are quickly beginning to nudge juices out of the limelight for better health, body composition and performance. So you decided to replace less healthy options like processed cereals, meats high in saturated fat or skipping meals altogether with a healthy smoothie. WIN. But you don’t know what to put in it or are putting the wrong things in it. FAIL. Here’s a quick 90s video from the fantastic Manuel Villacorta (nutritional expert, author, M.S. and R.D.) to explain how to make the perfect smoothie.

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Do You Know What a Pichuberry Is? You Should.

Do You Know What a Pichuberry Is? You Should.

Most folks are familiar with the word “superfood”. It’s a general, non scientific term used to describe a food that provides high values of an important vitamin or mineral, phytonutrients and/or antioxidants that have been shown to have health benefits. They are foods that are generally accepted as being hella good for you like sweet potatoes, kale and salmon. I asked my pal, leading nutritional expert and author Manuel Villacorta, M.S., R.D. to explain the benefits of one particular superfood that you likely have never heard of (I hadn’t): the pichuberry.

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Eggs Are Not The Enemy

Eggs Are Not The Enemy

Hello my name is JJ and I eat eggs. The whole egg. Including the yolk. Several time a week. Clients are usually surprised to hear this and I frequently find myself defending the Incredible, Edible Egg and dispelling many of the myths surrounding it. Aren’t I afraid of high cholesterol? What about all that fat? Who has time to make eggs during the week? All valid questions, so let’s tackle them.

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Supplement Spotlight: Should you take BCAAs?

Supplement Spotlight: Should you take BCAAs?

I get asked by a lot of clients, friends and family what supplements they should take. I don’t “prescribe” supplements or specific diet plans. I do, however, provide information and experience that can help them make the best choices for themselves. So over the coming weeks I’ll spotlight various popular supplements here on the blog, give my experience and provide resources to help educate you. First up are branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Here’s the deal, BCAAs, especially leucine, may help: build muscle (anabolism), prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism), reduce soreness and help burn fat.

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Q&A with Nicole Lana Lee: Fitness and Nutrition Are Helping Her “Be the Best Version of Herself”

Q&A with Nicole Lana Lee: Fitness and Nutrition Are Helping Her “Be the Best Version of Herself”

I’m fortunate enough to train some pretty amazing people. Among them is the lovely (both on the inside and out) Nicole Lana Lee. In addition to being a financial wiz, she is also the force behind NicoleLana.com and a force to be reckoned with in the gym, on the surfboard and in the yoga studio. She was kind enough to share her insights on how her fitness journey and personal training have affected her life. Enjoy!

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Warning! Side Affects May Include Bikini Bod and Uncontrollable Happiness

Warning! Side Affects May Include Bikini Bod and Uncontrollable Happiness

Why is Kim smiling and glowing so bright in this picture we took at 5:30am on October 12?! Because it was reassessment day. We already knew her training program and nutritional tweaks were working because she was feeling stronger, had more endurance and her clothes were fitting great. But it's a good idea to check the numbers and make additional tweaks as needed for optimal results. 

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Three Hacks to Fix a Failing Diet: Try Adding Before You Subtract!

Three Hacks to Fix a Failing Diet: Try Adding Before You Subtract!

99% of my clients need some form of nutritional coaching to get them where they want to be and those who embrace it consistently reach and maintain new levels of health and fitness. Simply put, you can’t exercise away a poor diet. And most of us don’t actually realize how poor our diets really are. It’s not our fault, the food industry has us all kinds of confused and even our own brains are tricking us. This post highlights my three most widely recommended ADDITIONS to a daily diet to help you reduce body fat, gain muscle and become healthy, strong and fit from the inside out.

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