How To Pick The Right Physical Therapist For Your Injury

How To Pick The Right Physical Therapist For Your Injury

As a trainer, I often work together with my clients’ physical therapists to ensure the safest and most effective rehab program from an injury. If you think you may need a physical therapist, it's crucial to choose the right one for your injury. Don’t delay or assume that the issue will fix itself. You only have one body, and you should take the best care of it. Here are some important factors that will help you make your decision and questions you’ll want to ask.

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How Weak Ankles and Ankle Mobility Affect the Rest of Your Body

How Weak Ankles and Ankle Mobility Affect the Rest of Your Body

As a successful personal trainer for Equinox in San Francisco I’ve worked with hundreds of clients. They want to be lean. They want to be strong. They want to be healthy. But no one ever says “I want strong feet and mobile ankles.” Yet weak feet are often the biggest roadblocks to achieving their health goals. The ankle is one of our most important and commonly overlooked joints. Pain and injuries in the knees, hips and lower back can often be traced to issues at the ankle joint. Think of how often and how many ways we use our ankles: walking, running, biking, squatting, yoga, balancing, dancing (you get the idea). If the muscles acting on your ankle are chronically tight or if the joint itself is jammed or lacks proper mobility the impact can be painful and damaging as the body will compensate at other joints to accommodate movement. Check out my interview in Shape Magazine to learn how to improve your ankle mobility, reduce pain and improve performance in your workouts.

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Curious About Cupping? Dr. Jay and JJ Demo How It Can Improve Fascia

Curious About Cupping? Dr. Jay and JJ Demo How It Can Improve Fascia

From Michael Phelps to Ryan Seacrest to the girl squatting next to you in the gym, cupping (or "myofascial decompression") is becoming an increasingly popular modality to help with fascial dysfunction. Perfectly round telltale "bruises" are making their way onto backs, shoulders and hips everywhere and are raising eyebrows from those who don't understand what they are. I've personally experienced positive results from cupping as part of an integrated physical therapy program in the past. So I enlisted the awesome Dr. Sarah Jay from GSPORTS Physical Therapy to discuss and demonstrate how cupping can help improve fascial health and mobility. 

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How to Use a Standing Desk the RIGHT Way

How to Use a Standing Desk the RIGHT Way

So you got a standing desk. WIN! But you're standing wrong. FAIL! Here's a quick and easy video of my pal and physical therapist Dr. AshleyRose Costello of SF Sport and Spine explaining how to use a standing desk the RIGHT way and basically how to stand to reduce pain, improve posture and improve your mobility.

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